
How can you defend your country?

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how can younger people defend their country?




  1. Be an independent thinker, participate in civic activities such as voting and town meetings, and question authority if what they say doesn't make sense.  Also, support your country by buying goods made where you live even if they are a little more expensive and support businesses that employee only legal workers.  I'm an American but I believe these are good rules to live by wherever you live.

  2. Here's what we need to do to change things:

    Our country, for the average American citizen, is almost destroyed.

    We need to put politicians in both parties on notice. We keep the Constitution, hold special elections--first have a yea or nay no-confidence vote on the current administration, if yea, we hold additional elections. The result of the elections should be the replacement of those in all three branches of government, executve, legislative, and judicial. Institute term limits and campaign contribution limits.

    Destroy the slanted media that is owned by globalist monopolies and replace the slackers with real jounalists who are willing to investigate and report without bias or the advertisers approval and stop using the White House and propaganda machines to do their reporting for them with prewritten news releases.

    Put the government to work for the people. Launch a Manhattan Project style search for the best, least expensive alternative fuel to drive this nation. Say goodbye to oil and the Middle East will have to go to work instead of fighting with everyone who doesn't believe as they do.

    Find a way to provide health care insurance at a low cost by re-doing the entire medical system in this country.

    Take the power away from global coporations. Create American jobs at home for America people.While government statistics show our unemployment rate to be around 6 percent, some experts estimate that it is really between 10 and 11 percent if all the Americans who have exhausted unemployment benefits and just given up looking for work were counted. Put every American who needs an income to work.

    No more illegal aliens--no excuses--you go back home. Slow immigration and make sure those who threaten this county leave this country. No more enemy aliens (an alien living in a country that is at war with his own country).

    Promote family life, encourage young couples--with affordable housing and community support.

    Nationalize all foreign holdings in the US. Kick BP out.

    Fumigate the Department of Education--house clean. Revamp the education system with a new hands on approach to education. Tell the truth in textbooks--no international propaganda.

    Get international policy institutes out of our decision making process.

    Stop the dangerous trade with China and the import of its goods to the US. Tell the Pacific Rim that it's on its own.

    Eliminate the United Nations and the World Bank. They want to destroy the sovereign country of the United States of America.

    Allow the American citizen to excel and continue to do the miraculous job of growing the nation that it did before 2000.

    Send the Bush family to the moon or Madagascar or Mexico, but get them and all their cronies out of this country.

    Here's my question to you--can you do this, do you have the will or are you too dazed and beaten down, American?

    Well get off you behind or your knees, whatever,  and let's go--let's turn our country around!

  3. By fighting corruption...

  4. If your school does not teach American History study it on your own. Pull yourself away from video games and so called reality shows and learn why you should be proud to be an American and about the sacrifices that brave men and women have made so that you can enjoy the liberty and freedom that being an American gives you. Always show respect for our country and our flag. Don't allow others to disrespect either. Don't listen to rhetoric and falsehoods. Research topics and issues and form your own opinions. Study the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence. When you are old enough join the military but most importantly vote. Your vote is your voice in government. Learn why it is important to defend your Constitution. Being an elected official used to mean something. You never know one day you might be President. Maybe you will be the one to restore honor to the office.

  5. voting

  6. stop listening to your liberal teachers and hippie parents and stupid news look at things with a good eye and understand what is best for u as in us as in the united states dont think with ur heart kid cuz life is real complicated and somewhree every policy made someone gets heart so when u vote or when u thik look at things and see them as if u were a parent looking on into the future and see what lies ahaead and ask urself what will happen later will my kids have a job to grow up to have <forget global warming> or will all these people make us poor and if it makes things harder to find a job and get good work its its bad for blue collar people not jus white but middle class blacks chinese and mexicans too will they have a factory to make money in or will this make this this much harder to produce here like the wear it will get us cheaper oil and better situations later so vote for the war i know it seems wrong now but trust me it will pay off if we handle buisness properly cuz they part of the world controlls alot through the oil and diamond trade it has money and esourses that is what we fight for so we can have and it is easier to produce here u get it ??

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