
How can you determine in a high school or college classroom if a teacher is indoctrinating or educating you?

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How can you determine in a high school or college classroom if a teacher is indoctrinating or educating you?




  1. When the majority of the lecture is slanted heavily toward one belief or worldview; when much of what is said is based on opinion or agenda rather than research or fact; when only the instructor's views are allowed; when a student who disagrees is ridiculed or put down.  Any of these behaviors should be a flashing red light that the teacher is not causing you to learn, but to be indoctrinated.

    You attend and pay for a class in order to learn, to be exposed to new thoughts, to dialog with others - not to be told that you have to follow the instructor's way of thinking.  Any class will somewhat be bent toward an instructor's view - we're all human - but when indoctrination takes precedence over learning, a line has been crossed.

  2. When you continually hear one point of view and no other points of view are allowed.  It should be obvious to you!  Just listen and observe!

  3. I think all teaching has some bias toward the professors' belief's. I am guessing that your question is  in response to teaching that was very biased? I would check your references, ask other students,  professors, textbooks, and get your information verified. If you feel that the teaching is really out of line, think about talking to the Dean about it.

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