
How can you devolop telekinesis/pyrokinesis?

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How can you devolop telekinesis/pyrokinesis?




  1. YOU CAN'T!!!!  DEAL WITH IT!!!!

  2. star in a Hollywood movie..

    these ideas are imaginary, they are possible only in movies , video games and magic shows.

  3. Traditionally, meditation and fasting have been used.  Scourging (beating oneself with whips) has been tried, if you're into that sort of thing.

  4. No one knows. However, you might look at the website for Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)

    Despite claims to the contrary they have collected years of evidence that intention can effect machines (usually random number generators).

    I invite you to read the research from the orginal source and decide for yourself.

    However, please not that levitating apples, starting fires, etc, is not something that has ever been demonstrated under scientific conditions. The effects are very small (as PEAR admits) but still statistically signifcant with odds against chance at 1 in 10 to the 12th power for their overall results.

    Ray Hyman is a respected skeptic (and full member of the Parapsychological Association) and I would invite you to read his actual papers for his critical analysis rather than an edited summary.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

  5. You don't.  But if you or anyone else manages it, this guy will give you a million dollars for a 5 minute demo.

  6. The inescapable fact is that telekinesis has never been demonstrated or observed. Many people have tried, and many people have claimed the ability, but all demonstrations have utterly failed. In fact, there was a research group at Princeton for about 25 years which worked on TK. The group, after working so hard and so long, refused to admit that their work was wasted but outside objective analysis showed that their work was indeed a flop (see link). Turns out their statistical conclusions were faulty.

    With no evidence that TK even exists, I don't think anyone can honestly tell you how to develop it. Nobody knows since it has never happened.

  7. I am not going to assume I know everything and honestly i do not know if these powers can be learned or if one is born with the abilities. And honestly I have never seen anyone who has such powers.

    I do hope you find your answers

    best of luck

  8. Well meditation is one way to develope it. Concentrating the mind on one thing and only one thing till it happens and doing it multiple time until it is easier is another possible way. Meditation is a proven method. I think you should check this out:

  9. pteokinesis; I am not able to help you.

    Telekinesis; There I can help you.

    Telekinesis is done by directing your lifeforce energy (often called ch'i. Ki, prana, mana, etc.

    When I teach Qigong, or Hawai'ian mysticism; one of the first things I teach them is to direct their energy and punch a hole in a cloud three or so miles away.

    Punching a hole in a cloud is an easy way for the person to see that this energy is real instead of just coincidence or wishful thinking.

    Affecting a coud from a distance is a light form of telekinesis. After you do that; work your way up yo more difficult objectives.

  10. i geuss im the only one how belives in this stuff here is a link to a good site for starters

    one for pyrokinesis

    one for telekiniesis

  11. You cannot -- they don't exist. Scientists have conducted the most sensitive and careful experiments to detect telekinesis and have come up with precisely nothing.

  12. Sorry you can't,it's not real.At least so far as anyone can demonstrate.Magicians are good at creating illusions.Anyone who says they can do these things.They're delusional or worse liars.

  13. it may be possible, but there is no easy way to do this.  anyone that tells you on hear that they can teach you how are scammers.  if you are serious about this, you need to find much more serious sources to help you

  14. To develop psychokinetic abilities, you must first dedicate yourself to the task.  You must spend time, each day, developing your powers of concentration and focus.  Meditation and dicipline will help you to develop this focus.  You must find your connection to the infinite by recogniznig that there is an energy inside you which is also in all other living beings and other objects that we see.  You must come to the realization that all of the things that we experience in life are modified, and therefore controled, by our perception of the object.  Once you understand the illusion of reality and can perceive the interconnectedness between all things, you will have the tools you need to interact with other objects without using your physical body.

    This is not a power like what you will see in the X-Men or in a Stephen King novel.  It is an ability that will grow from your knowledge of the one-ness of the universe.  Work toward increasing your understanding of the world and seeing the connections between all things.  When you achieve that awareness, you will see energy and develop other abilities that you never dreamed of.

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