
How can you dispose of a Moldy house trailer??

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Someone i know is having trouble finding a way to get rid of a house trailer they own. They no longer live in it, because they found out about a year ago that it was leaking water and was mold infested. It even got my friends mother really sick (she almost died). Now they have no idea how to dispose of this mess/trailer and i cannot find any information on throwing a bad trailer away. I am from illinois if that helps any.




  1. call a demolition company

  2. Check your local free rag at the grocery store they always have people who want scrap metal.Then burn it to the ground and let them haul whats left off

  3. here in Vegas, scrap guys are like vultures, i don't know about Illinois, but you should be able to call a salvage yard to come get it and maybe even make a couple bucks too! I even did a little investigating too......

  4. saws alls ,chain saws,sledge hammers.eventualy some things got to give. haul it to the dump in loads.have fun.

  5. call your local fire department and donate it to them to pratice putting out fires.

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