
How can you do two training sessions a day and still ensure you make them both quality?

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How can you do two training sessions a day and still ensure you make them both quality?




  1. By making sure you get plenty of rest in between.

    The top mma ers all take naps and rest between their daily workouts.

    Listen to your body.  It knows best.

  2. If its martial arts, this is one of the reasons i think its best to take up the second martial art choice after practicing the first for a few years.

    Its its exercise, its best to leave a few hours between the workouts so as to let your body recover giving you time to eat, drink and get some nutrients back into your body for the second workout. Always try and maintain correct form even when your tired. If your always thinking about it, you should carry it out successfully.

    Hope this helps. Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists

  3. A directed routine, such as working on abs, shoulders and calves in the morning, and working the upper-legs, back and arms in the evening.

        Or pretty much full body for power and strength in the morning, and then stretching and some aerobic conditioning in the evening.

    Listen to your body!  What feels like it is currently underused, and what feels exhausted?

  4. try doing 1 in the morning and other during late evening...

    i go for swimming/dancing in the morning and work-out in gum during sunset...

    give few hrs gap and perform...

    it will b effective in all cases

  5. since this is in the martial arts section...i will assume you are not referring to exercising or lifting weights.

    the thing is to do it when you wont be interrupted..and can concentrate on what youre doing.  

    you can workout twice or even three times a day and make it quality...there is no such thing as bad training...any and all training is good training...even if all it teaches you is what to NOT do.

    go for at least an hour at a time. and again...dont be interrupted if possible.

    concentrate on improving your weak areas...that way when you go back to class you can try out your new skills and see how much you've improved.

  6. some pro fighters will have a training session in the morning and rest for most of the day and then ahve another training session in he afternoon

    some of them even sleep in this rest period. Taking supplements is usually a normal thing, high protien to repair muscle / things to boost energy levels , all kind of thingsu can take, plus there are lots of natural supplements(i.e. taking them wouldnt mean you get done for dopping)

  7. two training sessions per day. total of 3-4 hours. Morning, do strength, power, speed, endurance training such as weights training, bag, training, sprinting, jogging. divide them into different days.

    Afternoon or evening, do skills training, where you work on various techniques, work on strategies, drills, sparring, fix up bad habits,  learn new techniques. That should be a total of 3-4 hours for the day. At night time, you can put more time into stretching while relaxing and watch TV or DVDs.

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