
How can you earn a living by playing a golf?

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all i wanna do is play golf, i just quit my job. how can i start earning money by playing golf? i know being a PGA tour is one. but what's other ways to earn money?




  1. Golf course employees typically are rewarded with free playing privilages. You can subsidize your quest towards getting paid to play by working at a local course as a caddy, ranger, pro shop worker, starter - not to mention the numerous groundskeeping/snack bar/maintenance etc. positions that may be available and still earn free golf.

    You'll keep being able to pay your bills, surround yourself with golfers, teachers, and people who love the game, plus get free rounds of golf to work on your game until you're ready for the Tour.

  2. Why not become a teacher, invent a new method of improving your golf, using Turtles or Silver Rings or stupid stuff like that, you don't even need to be qualified.

    You'll have some idiot somewhere who will pay you money, whether you'll make a living depends on your standard of living, if your happy living out of your car then your all set, if not it might be a squeeze.

  3. Unless you have a destination in mind, never quit the day job. What talent do you have that is better than the top 250 players on the PGA and Nationwide tours ? Can you compete with them?  If not go to the other tours and compete against 300 more players who just eek out a living? If you answer " No !" better finda new day job.

  4. I quit my job and now I teach golf. In 4 months I have 10 weekly regular students and 4 occasional students. I am still taking on new ones at a rate of 2 or 3 per month. Good luck.

  5. What? We are in a resession and you quit your job? You better be one heck of a player. I work so I CAN play golf :)

  6. You can hustle people at the public course if you are a good player.  You don't want to look too good going to the first tee, so get a beat up bag, wear a worn glove and shoes and casually ask if they would like to play for something when you get paired up at the first tee.  Then lose a few holes and press the bet a couple of times, and turn it on toward the end of the round to cash in.  Then get out of town and try it again at the next place.

  7. you can do mini a quick google search on "golf mini tours".  you can hustle people at your local people on long drives.  unless you are about a scratch golfer I wouldnt suggest taking on the best out there.

    the place for golfers

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