
How can you ensure sustainability with solar power??I really neeed helps its for a project due 2 morrow AnsNow

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How can you ensure sustainability with solar power??I really neeed helps its for a project due 2 morrow AnsNow




  1. Solar power is sustainable as long as the sun shines.  That is more reliable than any other source of energy.

  2. First response is superficially correct.  But a solar power system won't last indefinitely, although it will last a long time.  The real issue is cost: it costs $10 a watt to install a photovoltaic electric power system, and the maximum energy you can get from such a system is 2 kWh per watt per year -- worth, at today's prices, about two bits.  This is economic idiocy, although it can become sensible for an individual if sufficient subsidies are available -- which is often the case, and transfers the idiocy to society as a whole.

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