
How can you establish paternity with out it costing 500 bucks but still be fast???

by  |  earlier

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a woman is stating that my husband fathers her son when he was sixteen and she was 30 the child is now seven and we arnt sure what to belive but to get a test its 500 to find out and takes three days also we live in calif so i belive we cant press charges since it was more that five years ago what do we do?




  1. in most cases the fees are charge to the father if the results are positive..but if negative the mother pays.

    Pay the $500 or admit he is the father.  He knows he is.

  2. When they take him to court for the paternity he should demand a test. The person who requests the test normally pays. By asking for support they become the one responsible for the test,unless your state makes the father pay for the test if he is the bio-father.

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