
How can you explain colour

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How can you explain colour




  1. Light has the characteristic of "frequency". Not all light is visible. Some is too high of a frequency to see, and some is too low. Some light, however, falls within the range of "visible light".

    Our eyes and brain are built to interpret light that occurs within this range. To each frequency of light within the range, our brains assign a certain "color". Red is for very low frequencies, blue for very high ones, etc.

    Hope that helped!

  2. Light has different frequencies, that means the rays of light have different wavelenghts, some are shorter  and others longer.  The smaller ones have more energy (X-rays)  the longer ones less (FM radio waves).  In between those two types, there is the visible spectrum, which refers to the light wavelengths that we can see with our eyes.  The smaller lights waves are blue, the longer are red.

    If the lightball is irradiating white light, this is actually a mixture of differnet coloured  light rays.  They reach things and are absorbed,  all, except for some which are reflected.  We see what is reflected from objects.  From the lightball, we see the light that is being produced.

    If a piece of paper is blue, it is absorbing all the coloured lightrays  except for blue, which it reflects, and that is why they reach your eyes and you see it as blue.

    So if you wear a black shirt in summer, it will absorbe all the light rays, and you will be hot!

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