
How can you feel good about yourself when....

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the only person who made you feel good has left you??




  1. Allah swt is always there. remember the bonds of love with Allah is the only true love. love other than that are totally overrated. this nasheed is specially for you -->

    another one to make u feel better:

  2. because he has gone to make another one feel good, being confident that you will now take care of your self, as he has taught you enough about how to feel good. This is the grooming. Relax.  

  3. You need to learn to love and have confidence in can you expect others to love you when you dont love you!

    Keep your chin up, take a little time to sort yourself out and you will move on. Time is the healing process : )

  4. You realise that the only way to get beyond the past is to stop thinking about and that you are in full control of your destiny!

    Leave the past behind and walk into the bright future :-)

  5. yes you will feel good, how? you have to work on it. by doing what?

    by loving yourself, enjoy your own company and being strong and positive. there are sooooo many people in this world hehe im sure you will find an other person that makes you feel good and happy.

    its not the end of the world. i know it must be really tough at first and see everything in a bad way and dont wanna talk to anyone. believe me i know how it feels.

    go out and meet people. make friends and enjoy every single minute. life is too short to waste it.

    find new hobbies, thats a way that can make u feel good too.

    be strong , you can do it. !!! :) and last but not the least trust and believe in God,  you will feel better when you start getting to know him more and more and more. you will feel him talking to you.

    good luck xxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Take away from that person that they may hold dearest! Revenge is key!

  7. well i am sorry but accept one thing that you have come to this earth all alone and will have to go that way... god did not promise you a friend for life did he?? so just keep fulfilling your responsibilites that might help you keep busy good day...

  8. have a samosa or 2? lol

  9. Only you can make yourself feel good. What you are feeling is loss. Do what you know in your heart to be right. Find yourself and realize that someone’s actions are a reflection of them, not you. Every event may or may not happen for a reason, but what we take away from it is how we learn to reason and grow as a being. Thank that person for the gift you were given, even if it hurts.

  10. If you have self-confidence then you wont have a problem.

    If not, find another person,

  11. Only worship and charity make me feel good so just worship and do charity works  ,help others make others happy so you will be happy.

  12. To love someone is to know when to begin, when to continue, when to end, and when to let go.

  13. Just think that if he or she with u right now then what you both will do together. Just try to live with his/her memories. Every thing will be right seatteled with time.

    Be cool, and try to live a little bit happy.

  14. Just eat Kebabs Kebabs & more Kebabs,lol

  15. Good or bad. it is a thought.  Think good about urself and see the difference.  



  16. Find another one who can make u feel  one step better !

  17. its not about the other person.  The other person was just like a crutch you used.  You have to learn to be independent instead of dependent.  That will give you long term, and true happiness.

  18. You eat comfort food like kebab! :-)

  19. God never leaves you, so you can't possibly feel bad when a human leaves you. God doesn't abandon the believers. You, on your part, have to believe in the help that God gives you as our role models have:

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s confidence in God:

    009.040 If ye help not (your leader), (it is no matter): for Allah did indeed help him, when the Unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion; they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, "Have no fear, for Allah is with us": then Allah sent down His peace upon him, and strengthened him with forces which ye saw not, and humbled to the depths the word of the Unbelievers. But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights: for Allah is Exalted in might, Wise.

    Al-Qur'an, 009.040 (At-Tawba [Repentance, Dispensation])

    Prophet Moses (pbuh)'s confidence in God:

    026.061 And when the two bodies saw each other, the people of Moses said: "We are sure to be overtaken."

    026.062 (Moses) said: "By no means! my Lord is with me! Soon will He guide me!"

    Al-Qur'an, 026.061-062 (Ash-Shuara [The Poets])

  20. aww, r u ok?

    i know its gonna be hard for u to forget

    him/her, but everything happens for a

    reason. stay strong.

    but if u love that person soooooo much

    why dont u try and make things up.

    if ur both able to do that then ur love for

    each other will be stronger.

    good luck =)=)=)

  21. Revenge always works =)

  22. hey .. u need 2 b d person 2 make u feel good bout urslf .. others r secondary .. dat person is history he/she has moved on n its bout time u did d same .. people come into r lives for diffrnt reasons not understood by us al d time but dats d path of destiny but once they have played their part in the whole extravaganza tey move on .. wat hv u learnt from it n them .. every experience in life teaches you a lesson .. i gues its normal 4 u 2 feel d way u r rite now but dnt dwell on it .. wake up time is flyin by u dnt wana b left behind i'm sure .. ppl who understand ur worth wud always stand by u no matter wat .. apparently dis person has not - u cnt sit n crib bout it rite .. bottom line - u dnt need sm1 2 make u feel good bout urslf.

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