
How can you feel safe in your own country with this?

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I come from a country that is educated enough not to have the death sentence.I found this link earlier on a Saudi Arabian executor and it made me so angry.




  1. I just want to say that you can drive your car to any where in Saudi or any GCC country without fear, why?? because it's totally safe, why?? because of Islamic low. Now try to go to South East LA at night and see if it's safe or not.

  2. Be a good little girl and you will be ok.

  3. are you kidding? i love it im really glad this what happens hes an Executioner? God bless him seriously i feel safe  i mean if someone kill my brother i wanna see that guy dead or someone kill me he shouldnt just go to jail for couple of years even if its for 15 years he took ur life you take hes but other things like car ACCIDENTS u dont get killed for only if u killed someone and u meant it

  4. Yes I feel safe cause I know there is a deterant to crime ie: the death penalty here in Saudi..

    a person who might be inclined to rape or murder wont cause he/she knows whats in store for them..

    Not like in the US or west where even if everyone knows they did it (ie: OJ simpson) a technicality in the law will get them off..

    or even if they are convicted,, they will gladly sit their lives in a 5 star prison, 3 square meals a day, a roof over their head, even access to the internet, cable tv, library, and even univerisity education in prison.. all paid for by the taxes of the victims and you... go figure!!!!!!  

  5. Easy... I am not a criminal therfore dont need to worry....

    It was just an interview wit han executor... atleast they are known instead of the mask wearing ones in the west...

    Education has nothing to do with this... China and the US had way more death sentences then Saudi.

    One more thing... you might not believe out method of the death penalty or the death penalty at all...

    But it does reduce crime, much cheaper then the western methods of executions, and locking ppl up for life is a burden on the society as a whole ( your tax money pays for a criminal to live and eat)

    another thing.. many criminals in the US who have no hope at a real life find the prision system as a refuge from hunger and therefore getting locked up is no punishment.

  6. Execution or  Capital Punishment is given to people who commit crimes that cannot be forgiven. And there is not thing wrong if a capital punishment is given to a person who has killed a person. The simple reason if you dont kill a killer then he will kill another person and another person and thing goes own. And it is scientifically  prove if you chop the head it is less painfull to victim then hanging or electricuting. If the Execution is public then it ensure to send out a message to the public that Killing incocent people is not taken lightly by the Rulling people of the country. This will reduce the crime rate of the country that is why saudi has the lowest crime rate in the world and when compare to any western country. Where as in America every 2 minute a women is raped and as you America has the advance weapons and technology and they cant protect their own wome form getting raped every 2 minutes.

  7. GOOD LUCK!! i know i know ..i mean it     :I

  8. Arabian justice definitely differs from that in most other places.  But there is one constant: if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.  Sometimes, there isn't any question that the culprits have it coming: some terrorists blew up a building in Riyadh about 1996 and killed several people.  They were dealt with suitably.

  9. if i kill your father and rape your dead mother ,would you kiss my *** ?

    all this in fromt of you .

    dont play and dont pay

    saudi has the least crime rate kid ;know facts.

  10. I agree that there are major arguments against capital punishment...but the fact is (and while I'm personally against it) seems to work in Saudi Arabia...

    Due to the severity and consequences of crime, major cities in Saudi hardly ever have to deal with everyday crimes, thefts....etc

    As long as you don't commit crimes or have the intentions to, you pretty much never have to worry about being faced with a beheading (it takes more than "stepping slightly out of hand" to get your hand or any extremity cut off)...

    Although I do also have to admit that it seems executions in Saudi Arabia are disproportionately carried out against foreign nationals and lower class.....

    Personally, I think you should strictly and solely be accountable to your God (whichever faith you belong to) or to your own principles and convictions, whatever your beliefs may be.  

  11. If some guy kills me he's a dead man!

    This is how we feel safe. The law protects us.

  12. of course i feel safe ,,, at least we know that if somebody did a crime like killing or stealing or other crimes , he will get punished 4 it .... so by that way even if someone wants or thinks of doing a crime he would think twice about it before commiting it , and he could be a lesson 2 others around him , if he did the crime and got punished by death sentence ppl will not dare doing the crime after they c this execution ...

    o and by the way there r some conditions in killing and other felonees   that the punishment isnt execution .... like killing by accedent ... but thats a very long topic that i studied at school i dont think u know about at all ,,, o and by the way , do u feel safe in ur country when u know that someone could kill u and get away with it ?! ( yup , that sure is safety ) , o .. and just so u know saudia arabia is one of the safest places in the world and were happy with our rules ,, since god put them ,,, and 4 gd reasons ( sub7an allah al3a9'eem ! ) .

    i just want 2 clear somethin out when u say " accountable 2 allah " ... allah is the one who put these orders in his holy quraan and order us with these boundries in our religon ! . and its from sharee3ah its not from the country, or the country or goverment put them from thier heads !  its in our religon and allah put these orders in quraan .so under what surcomstance do u  say they will be accountable  2 allah?

    umm ... who told ya that children have death penelties here? IF a child killed and thats really rare .. he goes 2 rehab and they treat him ... as i told u before there are some conditions that a person has 2 have so he or she could go through execution .... one of these conditions is that hes an adult and past puperty ....

  13. You should feel safe in our country because this is the kind of panishment will keep killing crimes prevented  

  14.'s the law here. Law is well implemented here to those people who commit serious crimes even if we know that anyone is not authorized or allowed to take one's life (even if the person is the baddest of them all).....this is against human rights but as I said it's the law here..... angry man will say, what if the person happened to kill one of your family are you still going to allow him to live? There are other options better than taking the life of the suspect like life imprisonment. He'll not enjoy the life in prison of course and there he can evaluate himself what he did on his life and if he lives a good life in prison for years he can be given parole or a second chance to live a normal life outside prison. That is the one which is right for me.

    If we are affected by our emotions, for sure, we can make bad things right. Just like this case, we know deep in ourselves killing is bad, no matter what the consequences will be, it's still bad.

    I'm just sad with the executioner on how he was able to do that and get used to do that. How he was able to sleep and live a normal life in beheading 7-10 people a day. But I think he already programs himself and his mind that it's only a job and he have to do it in return of big bucks....

  15. The last confirmed execution of a child in Saudi Arabia was 1992. I think that is grisly. But they have a very low rate of criminality, because crimes are met with such brutal punishments.

    And actually, for the first answerer: "The largest overall number of executions for the same period took place in China, followed in descending order by Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United States of America, Nigeria and Singapore." - Mid-1990s

    "The figure is nearly twice as much as for the nation with the second-highest rate of executions, Saudi Arabia at 3.66." - 2005

  16. Yes, I feel very safe. I know that if someone killed me, and got caught, he will find a similar punishment.

    Also, if I don't kill anyone, I will never fear this type of death.

    We kill few criminals only every year. US kills 100s of thousands of innocent Iraqis.

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