
How can you figure out the tempo or BPM in a song while playing clarinet?

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I play clarinet and I'm having to learn 4 songs and 2 show the BPM but 2 dont. The were composed but are not public known. They are called Sin, Innocenc, Salvation, and Celebration. But they were written for the CHS band to preform. So if you could tell me how to look at the BPM or temp it would help alot.

The time signature is on thing I need the tempo.




  1. have you got a keyboard or a metromone? you could always use a clock with a second hand to compare the pulse with.

  2. if it doesnt have any time notes (italian or BPM) then the only way to figure out how fast or slow to play the piece is by feel. do you have a metronome? if you do set it at a walking pace (40 to 60 BPM) and play the pieces. does it feel to fast? slow it down. does it feel to slow? speed it up. if the music is well written  the tempo should suggest itself as you are playing.

  3. They should have some tempo marking at the left above the first line of music.  If not, then that's the composer's mistake.

    If there is no metronome marking then the tempo marking will give you an idea of how fast, but it'll be interpreted by the conductor.  If you're playing it with a band, and they haven't given you a practice tape or metronome mark, then the only way to know how fast to practise it is to ask the conductor.  

    It you're playing the tune as a solo, you decide how fast, or ask the composer.

    I'm not sure if that's helpful, but hope so!

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