
How can you find out how fast u can throw??

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Where do u buy the thing that lets u know how fast u can throw

(I live in Texas)




  1. Just do like the guy in the Rookie and look for one of those portable radar stations that they set next to the highway....get out and throw a ball past it and see what it and should be accurate.

  2. new radar guns under $75

  3. I had some friends in high school that did this:

    Most professional baseball teams have a booth set up where you can throw into a net and the radar gun reads your pitch speed. The problem is you typically only get 3 throws, so most people throw their arm out trying to throw hard without warming up.

    My friends would go to a game. They would take their gloves and play catch in the parking lot before the game. Then they would go inside and go straight to the speed-pitch booth. This way they got an accurate reading of how fast they threw while warm, and they did it without hurting their arm.

    If you buy the cheapest tickets you can get for the game, it's a pretty cheap way to find out your speed. Its probably less than the price of renting a radar gun and you get to see a game while your at it.

    I just recommend checking online to make sure that the stadium you're going to actually has a speed-pitch booth. Most stadiums do (including some minor league parks in case you don't live near an MLB team), but not every stadium has it. Double check so that you're not disappointed, plus if you find out what area of the stadium its at, you can go in at a nearby entrance so your arm doesn't get cold while you walk around the stadium looking for it.

  4. It's called a radar gun

  5. you can go on ebay or even amazon  

  6. Two words: radar gun.

  7. its called a radar gun idk they seem pretty pricy

  8. You can buy one at a mall and at a wal mart in your area ask them if they can help you find a radar gun

  9. 1.  You can rent a radar gun online.  FAR cheaper than trying to buy one of your own.  They're pretty expensive little devils.

    2.  Target/Wal Mart often sell a baseball with a "timer" in it for ~$20 that fairly accurately measures your velocity as long as you stand 60'6" away from the person catching it (distance from home plate to pitcher's mound, most can also be set to 55 feet like a little league pitcher's mound too).  

    If you want a rough idea within about 5mph, go with option #2.  If you want a more accurate reading within ~1mph, go with #1.  

    Don't waste your money buying one of your own'll most likely just throw your arm out trying to hit high numbers on the radar gun if you try to clock every pitch you throw.

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