
How can you find out the average SAT score of your high school?

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How can you find out the average SAT score of your high school?




  1. -- Go to your high school guidance counselor, or talk to a member of your high school's guidance department.

    -- Every high school has what they call a "High School Profile," which they send out to colleges and to various scholarship organizations on their students' behalf.

    -- On this sheet of paper has the statistics of GPA, Class Rankings, average SAT/ACT scores of students, course listings (i.e. how many AP/IB/Honors courses your school offers), and the past universities that students from your high school have attended in the past 5 years (this may vary, depending on your high school).

    -- Each school may have a different 'type' of Profile sheet, but if you can't get in hold of one of these from the guidance department, ask one of your college counselors.

    -- If you want to get a subject-by-subject average break-down of how students at your school score on a certain subject (i.e. English), go see the respected subject area's department at your school (in this case, your English department). These departments should and most do keep this on file for documented purposes and to structure courses against SAT/ACT/PSAT material.

    Hope this helps! Just as a side note, I got a 26 out of 36, on my ACT, quite BELOW average at my school, and still got accepted to an Ivy. So, don't get discouraged if your score isn't average. Your essays and teacher recs, as well as your GPA/Class Rank are SO MUCH more important! Good luck!! :)

  2. You could visit your school district (either personally or online) and request pretty much any information about your high school.

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