
How can you find your natural parents, when it is a closed adoption? Born in Ohio. Mother came from Indiana.?

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How can you find your natural parents, when it is a closed adoption? Born in Ohio. Mother came from Indiana.?




  1. Was your adoption finalized in Ohio or Indiana?  Your records are in whichever state the adoption finalized.

    As some have mentioned, many Ohio adoptees have the right to their own birth certificates, just like any other citizen.  Also, Ohio has a birth index that could be helpful to you.  

    Definitely sign yourself up with the registries suggested by other responders as well.

  2. Search and register with all these - that should keep you busy!

    There are plenty more registries where they came from.  Put yourself on all of them and search all of them regularly

  3. Ouch, the states and Canada have a bad habit of taking children from immigrant families then deporting the family but keeping the child. A friend of mine and his parents were victims of that. I will send him an email asking for the process of how he found his real parents again.. will post as soon as he gives me the info.

  4. well I know in CA we, by law, have to keep all adoption records forever. Under lock and key- Was  this a private adoption? or did you go through an agency? You can contact the agency and find out- Or go to the courthouse that the adoption was finalized in and look up the records- They should be public and should be there. Good Luck.

  5. Register with the International Soundex Reunion Registry at a free national registry.  Also, check with your state and see if there is a state registry.  Do you know what agency handled your adoption?  Write to them and request your non-identifying information.  You might find some clues.  Good Luck!

  6. Were you adopted in Ohio as well?  Certain Ohio adoptees (depending on year of birth) have a right to their original birth certificates and there is a bill pending (HB7) in the Ohio legislature to open that right to ALL adoptees in Ohio.

    Once you have a name, there are search angels who can help.  You can also call the agency that handled your adoption and ask them what you are entitled to.  Most states allow you to at least have non-identifying information which may include your mother's age at your birth and nothing else or it may run several pages depending on the records available and state law.

  7. Do you know where the Adoption was done?

    In some states, and I would have to double check Ohio to see if they are still closed or if they are now open adoptions - meaning  records sealed or can go to the Courthouse where the Adoption was granted and review the records.

    The petition for adoption contains the name of the biological parents and their address as best  known at the time of adoption.

    I believe in  Ohio, that the adopted child once s/he reaches the age of majority can open their records and find out who their parents were.

  8. Ohio laws...

  9. Unfortuneately, sometimes the solution is to try and trace any social workers who helped in the adoption; however, I would try and trace your family tree, as sometimes a little information can really help you find them. However I would like to ask you if this is what  you truley want; trust me and my experience, you may only find yourself disapointed and perhaps rejected.

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