
How can you finish off a race without dying!??

by  |  earlier

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Well it was provincials and I was ranked in first for the 800 with a time of 10:11 I had a full bodylength of the girl ranked in second and on the last 10 meters I saw her explode on me..I freaked and I pushed my *** off....sadly she out touched me by .25.To all you swimmers how can you keep the lead what if you have enough energy but the girl just zooms past you?? I suck at finishing off the race!




  1. practice more. especially, exercise your breathing. it will help you not to tire as fast.

  2. be happy that 99% of the worlds population is worse than you.

  3. you need to save a little energy start fast finish fast and in the middle go

    at a median pace  

  4. its probably because you started off stronger than her? just like Michael Phelps. in some races he would "hold" back in the beginging and go all out near the end. i saw a lot of this happening during the Olympics

    hope this helps

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