
How can you flip on a kneeboard?

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I am really good at just standard kneeboarding and i could just sit there for hours as a boat pulls me around. So i want to do something more exciting and i know i am ready. I just wanna know how. How can u flip on a kneeboard without the board going flying across the water? What are other tricks you can do on one?




  1. If you mean flip of the wake....

    Get a big wake, cut in HARD, and keep leaning one way, cut through the wake and lean and youve just done a flup.

  2. Practice doing surface 360's then try wake to wake 360's. Once you learn the right way to cut and get your rotation a flip will come in time if the have the right wake for it...just pull out as far as you can, wait for the line to get tight and cut as hard as you can back in up until the wake. if you cut through the wake you'll board will slice right through it. have the board flat on the curl and you'll get more pop. sort of push down on the board right before the tip of the wake and pull in the rope to give you a little more...

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