
How can you flirt with a guy if your scared he's not g*y?

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Im tryin to find some g*y guys to talk to and eventually start a relationship, and today my net provider sent some workers to fix the computer and one of them was real cute and we talked alot and smiled and all that but i didnt want to flirt cuz i was scared of what could happen ya know? so how do you know if a guys into you? plus if anyone wants to message me please do so cuz im lonesome:)

xslipknotfreak46 - aim and my yahoo is on my profile.




  1. Um. I would go about it very carefully. Guys are a lot different from girls, so I can't really give anymore advice than that. Sorry.

  2. im having the same problem... i met a guy at my gym and cant figure out if hes being nice or g*y. .

    i just chatted him up....

    Ive (in the past) have asked out guys that i thought were g*y in my gym and i havent had anyone kick my ***. Then again im sure they are closet cases.  

  3. I wouldn't. The man is at your house doing his job, it would be inappropriate for you to come on to him. And he might complain to his boss and the next time you needed help with your computer, your provider could, and within their rights, refuse to send anyone at all to your home.

    The best way to talk to guys is just what you are doing now, let guys know you are free and interested and give out your email or messenger id.

    You'll get a lot of new guys to chat with.  

  4. You can't flirt with a guy if you're scared he's not g*y. That's why you need to get over your fear. Straight people have that issue- although generally and stereotypically they have less of an issue with it, it's not like the person they flirt with isn't g*y.

    The world is about taking good risks. If he avoids you because you're g*y, it's good you didn't get together with him because he's judgmental. If he's not g*y, but stays friends with you, that's all good. And that leaves only two more options- he's g*y but not interested in you but willing to stay a friend, or he's g*y and intersted in you.

    Go for it

  5. OK I know exactly what you mean.

    It helps to keep in mind what my

    friend who traveled the world says.

    He visited 148 countries and swears

    that 90% of the men in the world are

    either g*y or Bisexual. So, it's hard

    to give you definite rules, but watch

    their eyes for one thing. If they look

    you up and down, that's good! If

    they look into your eyes and smile

    without turning away that's also good.

    You have to start slow in those situations,

    as opposed to a g*y bar scene where

    mostly everybody is there to cruise. Get

    the cute guy's e-mail, or ask him for his

    phone #, "In case I have questions later".

    If he smiles and gives it right away, or

    even says "I'll call you later to see how

    it's working" that's even better. The guys

    I've met when I was "looking" just gave

    me signals like a small touch on my hand,

    (which can be "accidental" in case the guy

    isn't g*y), as I said the long look in the eyes,

    the shy looking up and down my body, and

    some of my young prospective b/fs even

    made passes, such as a poke in the ribs,

    to "let me know". Today you're less likely

    to get punched out if a guy isn't g*y. Matter

    of fact a lot of guys are flattered that a man

    thinks they're hot. Like with the computer

    guy you don't really have to "flirt" per se. You

    just be friendly back and ask for his #. Then

    call him that evening and say "Hi, Jason...

    you were at my place today and helped me

    a lot. Could we go for Starbucks so I can ask

    a few questions I have about my computer?"

    If he's into you he will jump! If not str8 guys

    almost never want to go meet a guy, and he

    would just tell you over the phone.


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