
How can you get a Leftist (a.k.a. liberal) to be opposed to abortion?

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I'm pro-choice all the way, but what I find sad is the hypocrisy in most people's arguments. Leftists will say a woman has a right to her own body for a defense of abortion, yet they will be adamantly for smoking bans. Shouldn't the same argument apply with smoking? But I did figure out one way you can get the Left to suddenly oppose abortion, which is the holy grail of their creed: that is, find a way that a company can make a fortune off of it. Have a chain of drive through abortion clinics across the country. Call them McAbortions. Or Wal-Abortions. Suddenly when a company is making tens of millions, the Left will be opposed to abortions! Any other ideas?




  1. Sweeping generalizations don't get you anywhere I am not a liberal but I guess I am far far far left and I am not for smoking bans, though I am for attacking tobacco execs. The only way I would oppose abortions though is if the worlds population dropped a few billion and really even then it would not be my choice and I would keep my mouth shut unless I could become an actual woman with working parts, then I might not choose it for myself. I don't really care what people do to their own bodies as long as it doesn't effect me or anyone else unless they consent too it. I think that is the problem with smoking it doesn't just effect the person doing it, it effects others and is non consensual in most cases. Though again don't go after the drug users but the drug makers and the ones who are the big dealers.

  2. Apparently you think you can prove your argument just by insulting people who don't agree with you.   This shows the failure of right-wing media.  They tell you you don't have to negotiate,you only have to insist, and if that doesn't work, then it's an insult contest.

    What you need to do is to convince people that abortion is wrong.  The truth is that most people don't believe it is wrong.  Calling them 'leftists' and 'left wing' and 'socialist' and 'idiot' will not convince them.  Would it convince you that abortion was okay if I called you a fascist?  Probably not.

    You also need to realize that the GOP is exploiting you for your vote and your contributions.  They have no intention of banning abortion because they do better by promising it, by making it an issue that goes on for  years and years.

    We have had SEVEN Supreme Court justices appointed by Reagan and the Bushes.  Each one was promised to be the swing vote that would overturn Roe v. Wade, but it hasn't happened yet, has it?  The reason is that the Republicans know that most people are at least somewhat pro choice, even 75% of Republican women are pro-choice.

    If you want to change things, your job lies in convincing people, in educating them, in changing the way they think.  That's a hard job but you've already had 35 years and you haven't really even begun.  It might take another 30 or 40 years once you do begin.

    Instead I think it's just easier for Christian leaders and right-wing talkshow hosts and FOX News Pundits to blame it all on 'leftists' and have an insult festival.  Well, what can I say?  Enjoy it.

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