
How can you get a corn snake to eat?

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I have a corn snake, Renn, that I've owned for 2 1/2 days and I can't get her to eat the mouse! She's about to shed. Is that normal? I purchased her from a previous owner not a store. She's in the same cage. Do you have any suggestions? PLEASE help!




  1. I have a suggestion, or two...

    First a snake that is about to shed isn't likely to eat.

    Second, set her up nice and comfy and leave her completely alone except to check her water for 5 to 7 days. Don't try to feed her, don't pick her up, try to avoid even making any noise around her tank. Let her settle in and get comfortable and then after the 5 to 7 days offer her food. Just offer her food. Don't take her out to handle or anything else. If she takes the food give her 2 days to digest then handle, if not wait another 5 to 7 days and offer food again.

    She needs time to get used to her new living situation and all the new sights and sounds that come with it.

  2. cover the mouse in peanut butter....

  3. i hope you dont have the snake in the cage with the mouse...when you feed your snake you should feed it in a separate feeding tub...just a plastic box (from walmart or target something like that) big enough for your snake to move around in with holes drilled in the sides at the top for airflow.  if you feed live food to your snake never leave the snake alone with the mouse...mice can kill snakes if the snake doesnt want to eat.  your snake only needs to eat every 7 - 10 days if it is an adult snake.  also if it is an adult snake dont worry about it not eating...snakes can go for long periods of time without eating...i have a kingsnake that went on a hunger strike for about 4 months...thats just what snakes do.  also you need to do some research on your new snake and find out how to properly care for it...don't rely on yahoo answers for you snake needs...a lot of the stuff you get is good advice but just as much of the advice you get is wrong...even harmful advice...the post that said put peanut butter on it comes to mind...if you actually did that and the snake somehow ate the mouse it would have been VERY bad for you snake.

    good luck!!

  4. the reason he not eating because he shedding. When hes done shedding you can feed him. Its perfectly normal my snake shed every to months. Snake are like girls, when girls are on there period they get Moody or they don't want to eat. lol And if i was you u should get a book about snakes. It helps alot. Trust me i have 4 snakes at home.

  5. Sometimes when they are about to shed they won't eat. It's very uncomfortable. Are you using frozen mice or live? Try using whichever one you haven't tried yet. Some prefer one over the other. Also, give snakey some time. new home + shedding = stress

  6. snakes sometimes dont want to eat. dont force her to eat. snakes can go a very long time without eating and they only eat one mouse every so often. they dont need to eat daily like most animals.

    dont worry your snake is completely normal!

  7. try to give it something else to eat like a lizard. cause my brother cought one yesterday and that's what he feed it

  8. buy a book  and read up! the corn snake manual by Kathy love is excellent . not eating is a sign of husbandry issues and s or stress. make sure you husbandry is correct and Wait a week the snake should eat then if your set up is correct . be patient and don't disturb her till then.

  9. It is normal for a snake not to eat when due for a shed so do not panic, she also may have been feed recently and may not be hungry, do not attempt to force feed you can make things worse. she also may not feed for a good few days after her shed, i'm sure shes fine and will eat in her own time if it get to 2/3 weeks of not feeding i would recommend taking it to the people you have purchased the sanke off and ask for help.

    Did they tell you that she was feeding when you purchased her??

    By cage what do you mean?? in a tank or viv ??? if by cage you mean cage i would recommend you purchase a tank or viv for her. (1) for saftey and no escaping and (2)  will maintain heat

  10. Even though she's in the same cage, she's in a new environment.  Give her 7-10 days before attempting to feed her.  Then feed her in the evening, which is the natural feeding time for them.  Definitely switch to frozen/thawed if she is on live.  Live prey can severely injure or kill a snake.  With frozen, the trick is to thaw it completely---5-10 minutes in warm water and then just before feeding dip in very hot water for 30 seconds.  Blot dry on a paper towel and dangle in front of snake (without touching snake).  Use tongs to feed.  I put my snakes in a separate feeding rubbermaid container so they don't accidentally eat substrate.  Also, I don't want them to associate my hands with food in their tank.  Snakes must also be kept at correct temps to eat properly.  UTH mats should be 85F.  Use a thermostat or dimmer switch to regulate.  Come join the forums for lots more info:

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