
How can you get admission in sherwood school nainital and about tution and admission fees?

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  1. Guest56053
    Hi i m dr. Sushil Siddharth from ghaziabad up. How can I get admission of my son for class 3rd &

    what will be the mail I'd is

  2. Guest21218

     what is the tution fees and boarding fees of sheerwood school in nanital



  3. what is fees of 8class,

    whit addmishon fees?

  4. hi i am imran from can i get admission for my son  in class five in sherwood school nainital? my email is plz rply me as soon as possile. thanks.

  5.  Hi, I am Ravi Kumar from Patna ( Bihar ) my son Harshit is in class VI at International School,Patna in academic session 2010-2011 and i want he must go to Sherwood Boarding School in class VII, Please advise us what will be procedure to get admission in Sherwood.

    My E-mail ID is :

    Kindly reply soon, so we can proceed for admission.

  6. hi, i am pradeep choudhady from ghaziabad

    how can i get admission of my son for class IInd & what will be the fees. My mail id is


  7. hi, i am pradeep choudhady from ghaziabad

    how can i get admission of my son for class IInd & what will be the fees. My mail id is


  8. hi,ths s rajesh bansal from surat, gujrat, w'ld lik to ve information regarding the admission of my ward for class 7th ,so pl kindly provide me the details .thanking u.

    my id is-

  9. general information about admission and fees

  10. what is the tution fee for school and bording for level 7

  11. how can i get admission of my son for class 7th and what will be the fees.
    my mail id is

  12. how can my child get admission in sherwood nainital?How much is the tution and admission fees?I want to admit him in class VI?

  13. how can i get admission in sherwood college and i know admission fees and tution fees.plz tell me soon .


  15. i m from surat,my son pratham is in 7std in D.P.S,from 8std want to join boarding school,so i need help,your admission procedure etc.thanks

  16. i want to admission process and fees and rules of nanital sharewood boarding school at nanital at my e-mail id (

  17. I Wnt to know the Annual fee of Class 4

  18. I want to get admitted my daughter in level 3. plz. let me know the fee of tution and boarding and also the admission date

  19. how to take admission in sharewood college nainital

  20. i want know about how do get admission in class 11th.

  21. admission fees

  22. what is the tution fees for school and boarding for level 4

  23. as i am from delhi and presently i am living in australia, my son was studing in D.P.S Delhi,now he is in australia from 2 years and in level 3, i want he must go to sherwood boarding school, please advise

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