
How can you get cervical cancer?

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i just found out that my step mother has it and was wondering if my father is gona be okay i need to know all the ways and possiblities you can get it im scared for my father i want him to be okay i never liked his wife but i feel bad for her and i just want my father to not get it so can anyone tell me how you can get




  1. It is generally caused by HPV, Human Papilloma Virus. It is a sexually transmitted disease which is EXTREMELY common. Many people have it and dont ever even get any symptoms. It is the same virus which can also cause genital warts, but again, many people have HPV and never experience this symptom. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, because it can be prevented through safe s*x and through the HPV vaccine which is now available. Do a goodle search on HPV and study it a little, wikipedia is an amazingly useful tool for gaining understanding, and it would be better to research the facts rather than the nonsense people on here will try and tell you.

    Here are some direct excerpts from wikipedia.

    '(HPV) infection is a necessary factor in the development of nearly all cases of cervical cancer.'

    'Cervical cancer is a carcinoma, typically composed of squamous cells, and is similar in some respects to squamous cell cancers of the head and neck and a**s. All three of these diseases may be associated with human papillomavirus infection.'

  2. your dad cannot get it. cancer cannot be passed from person to person, someone cannot catch cancer like they could with a cold. and there is no possible way he could get it, males do not have a cervix.  

  3. your father doesn't have a cervix.  

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