
How can you get fired if it is your first time teaching the class?

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never learned how to teach (got placed in there)-know how to explain things well

try different things for them to learn: powerpoint, writing on the board, show them how to do things and give examples for them to do on their own, have some students come up to the board to do problems

give them projects to work on and give them class time to work on it (explain the projects fully)

give extra time to work on tests, hand out a study guide for tests or do a practice exam, give extensions on assignments do to circumstances and have make up tests

observed some teachers teaching

just need to get a teaching style (need more experience)




  1. yes, you can.  i agree with the first answer.  even though you sound like you were trying hard, you obviously weren't fufilling the role like they expected you to.

  2. You could get fired for not doing what you were asked to do, or for doing so poorly that students (or parents) complained, or for having a bad attitude.  From what you say, it sounds like you are trying hard, but you may need to listen to feedback more carefully.

  3. Yes, you can be fired for incompetence.

    However, it sounds as if you're trying very hard.  Do more of that observing other teachers.  Observe in your subject and out.  Ask successful teachers to observe you and give you honest criticism.  

    Good luck to you.

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