
How can you get from Brescia or Verona to Lake Garda? Also, what is the cheapest way and how much does it cost

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And how long does it take my bus or train?




  1. ok lets see, I live about 30 mins from lago di garda but I know its so big that it depends on which part.  I would say it takes about 1-1.5hours from verona, by car.  I have never taken a bus there or a train.  I think probably a bus would be cheaper but Im not sure as I ride the bus in town (for free) but have never taken it long distances.  I rode a train from the north (rovereto specifically) to rome and that was about 10 hours and around 100euro So if you take that into scale it shouldnt be so expensive by train either.  I can say for sure, I go to lago di garda so often and its wonderful, that where I spent new years, which was great but fairly empty because its not so busy in the winter. I recommend going in the summer as it is busy with people and the water is so gorgeous. I love how the lake is right next to mountains that are so tall. Rent a boat, even if its just a paddle boat and see the middle of the lake..stunning. Also, there are many restaurants on the main strip where you can eat and drink outside, even with your dog at the restaurant. Have a great time, its really worth going.  and holler at me because Ill be there alot this summer

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