
How can you get impaled on the gear shift?

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I heard it's possible, but you won't be far enough to impale yourself on it. I heard people get impaled by steering wheels in car accidents, but you're only like two feet away from it. I can understand if you're flying 100 feet at it, but being impaled from only two feet seems unlikely.




  1. I don't see how a wheel can go right through you...

  2. Aaron and delta speak the truth.

    Goddess, you said you'd understand if your body is flying 100 feet. Well that's essentially what it's doing in a high-speed collision.

    Let's say your car is travelling 70 mph (approx. 100 ft/sec), and hits another car coming the opposite direction. Your car might come to a stop, but if you're not wearing a safety restraint, you'll still be travelling at virtually 70 mph, and you'll hit the steering wheel with such a tremendous force that you'll break the wheel off its spokes and leave only the center hub. The hub will then impale your chest, very easily I might add, most likely killing you.

    As for the gear shift, when your car is hit, your body might be flailing all over the front seat, and the gear shift stick is one area that you could end up on.

    Terrible way to go.

  3. when your body is travelling at 100 mph.. and you hit a concrete barrier....  you may break the steering wheel off the steering column.. making it into a spear.... your momentum can carry your frail little human flesh on through such a hard dull item...

    if the shift is bent or your body gets twisted enough.. it can happen....

  4. I have been in the ER assisting the docs removing strange things from females before.  That is how.

  5. On a gear shifter yes but not on a steering wheel.........

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