
How can you get money for college if you are 19 and your parents wont pay, you have no credit, and no job?

by Guest63806  |  earlier

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My girlfriend is 19 years old and is desperately trying to get into a community college. Her mother is married to a wealthy making it impossible for financial aid, yet the man (who is her stepfather) will not pay for any of her college. Her mother does not work, and will not co-sign a loan for her. She currently lives with her aunt and has no income but desperately wants to get into school. What options does she have?




  1. you can contact the school and tell them your situation and they will work with you.  They will be able to put the loan in her name, and possibly yours if you will co-sign for her.  If she has not already done it, tell her to fill out her FAFSA and that will start the process, then she needs to make best friends with the financial aid counselor.  Hope this helps!  good luck!

  2. federal student loans like the Unsubsidized Stafford loan require no credit check and no cosigner.  She can get them by applying at

    She will need to enter her mother and stepfathers income, but by doing so will not obligate him to pay for her education or cosign a loan for her.  On the contrary, it will allow her to get the student loan in her name without their help.  She does not need a job and she will not start having to pay it back until after she drops out or graduates.  Here is an outstanding book about loans, grants, and other fin aid.

  3. apply for scholarships online!!!! and theres grants

  4. I would suggest going to the financial aid office at the school and asking them about possible solutions.

    On top of that she can search for random scholarships. There are hundreds and hundreds out there for the most random things and a lot people don't know they're there, so no one applies.

  5. she doesn;t have to hav a parnet co-sign even if she has no crdit...she needs to go to the school she would like to attend and talk to the enrollment counselors and they will be more than happy to help her find a way to pay for school

  6. She can apply for federal loans, scholarships, and even grants without her parents. If she still lives at home she is a dependent. However, she would need to call the school she wishes to attend's financial aid office to find out which forms (aside from FAFSA) she needs to fill out. Try to avoid private loans if you can. Also, she should try to get a part time job at least to help fund part of her education.

  7. ur girlfriend lol good one, if U want to go to college and ur step father doesn't want to pay u u chop his nuts off and make a necklace out of them

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