
How can you get on tract with life?

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Im 18 i feel I have had a good life so far. But, I also feel like I made poor judgements due to the fact of the people who I associate with. Its irritating because whenever Im around certain individuals it seems they're to do more harm than good to me. Would anybody suggest that I cut off contact with these individuals and just move on with my life? Its annoying because its like they are always going negative things that I don't agree with. Than you have one person imparticular always talking about violence and I regret my relationship with him. The only reason we met because his uncle introduce him to me. I can say me and his uncle have a better relationship than me and him. His uncle even said "i know your not involve in the things my nephew is in" Should I speak to his uncle and tell him how I feel or just cut off all the contact with these people? Also, how can I better myself so I can make sure I have a better chance and opportunity with life?




  1. u r right.  u shld move on. find new friends. u may get into trouble if u continue with him.  ask his uncle if he knows whats going on.  probably he introduced you to influence him to do / be good.  since it didnt work out, move on!  violence begets violence.  u dont wanna ruin your future

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