
How can you get over an insecurity?

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My friends have been telling me that I am insecure of my hair and overall social/physical image. But I'd rather focus on my hair. I get annoyed when my hair touches my ears, I have a patch of hair that grows sideways, and (I am a guy with short hair) when my hair is not perfectly lined up I tend to take a razor to it and make it even worse. With school starting in a couple days and my hair ruined (it was not straight =D) I want to learn to let my insecurity go and not care about the condition of my hair. Thank you in advance.




  1. Instead of focusing on yourself, why not spend your time doing things for others.  Volunteer, join a service club, help your elderly neighbour.  You need to learn that you are not the center of the universe, we all have problems, and nobody is really all that concerned about how your hair looks.  

  2. Im sorry dear,

    Im sure your quite beautiful. Its the supermodels and movie stars that used to be insecure and now they are famous.

    You can't get over it in 2 days.

    Good luck.

  3. Realize that everyone out there is too busy stressing over little things about themselves to give a d**n about anyone else's hair.

  4. If the condition of your hair is a real problem and important to you, you may want to try getting a professional stylist to change it for you and make it more manageable. They are trained to make you look your best (it can't be any worse than what you've already done to it yourself).

    Many people consider their hair, face, clothing and general overall appearance a part of feeling good about yourself. Business executives spend thousands of dollars on clothing to make a good "impression". While this may be true to a certain extent, it is not the be-all or end-all. However, when you are in school, it may make a difference to your confidence when you are with your friends. School is hard enough without having to deal with teasing and/or bullying. My suggestion is to either get a professional cut done, or wear a hat until your hair grows out. THEN get the good haircut! Hope this helps.  

  5. well what you can do is except your hair for what it is. i did it and i don't know how. i don't think its something you can describe how to do. or you can wear a hat or a beanie if your school allows it.  

  6. First off everyone has insecurities, they just change as you get older.  For now you are insecure about your images simply because developing an "image" is an important part of growing up.  But remember that an "image" is actually how you think others perceive you!  

    So while you should be concerned about your image to a certain point, remember that you are ultimately in control of it since you are creating it in your head.  I am guessing that your hair is an external manifestation of you internal thoughts about your self image.  In other words, you want to "control" your hair and as a result control how you think others see you.  

    If this is the case then I suggest letting your hair do what you do not like it to do for a whole day while at school.    Take time to see if people treat or act differently towards you.  If they do not then you will have real proof that your hair has little to do with how people actually perceive you and more to do with how you think others see you.  But remember that not all insecurities are bad....sometimes they motivate us to improve ourselves if we have the courage to face them.  

  7. Just think about the way you are on the inside who cares if your hair is not perfect! No ones is! Just have a good day at school and don't get stress out about your hair!  

  8. I can understand what your going through.  It sound to me like your problem could just be a habit that you need to break.  I don't know you personally so it is hard to determine what is going on.  You may want to work on your self esteem. Sometimes when your not happy with yourself you begin to critique yourself.  To start off small why don't you look into a different hair style.  This might help you out. Good luck

  9. How would you feel starting over and going bald?  This actually sounds like more of an obsession.  Do you obsess over other things too?

    If you can't go bald, get yourself to a stylist, he or she might be able to fix up your hair in a nice way and give you tricks on how to deal with the hair that is growing sideways.

    Good luck!

  10. Do what Pedro did. Wear a wig.

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