
How can you get peoples stardoll password?

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  1.  Buy the wishlist from prettyamy04 and wait 24 hours.... You will hav royalty & 5000sd 5000sc to spend on ANYTHING you want! Also, give prettyamy04 10 nice gifts and you will have a suprise!

    Thanks,  Sarah Fullerh



  2. i need some gifts plz i will give u any thing plzzzzzzzzzz    help me out! text me on star doll and send me a gift just say 0r0 thankkkks your the best lol soo much im about to cry if u do.

  3. hey i noe 1 its so cool its superstar and everything but just send 10 gifts to cuttie_munchkin and youll have it and im sayin de truth plz

  4.  you have to send to the stardoll employ  your pass word then you wait for the next day u have 1000sd 

  5. hi i need a super star acount please tell me the password and username plz

  6. If you send me a gift i will give you a superstar password:) my name is happyhorselover

    and she was superstar and its not that great but i have some superstar accounts so just send me a gift not cupcakes or penguins please and write in my gb when you do so i can tell u a password :)

  7. never give ur passwrd out stardoll hacked mine and i had to have a new password what it wont let me change :(

  8.  how to u get 10 points on the website i dont know any offers  please help  me tell me some offers please please please help me!!!!:):)

  9. i have 1  



    p: iloveselenag.

    add the dot

  10.  never send your passwords and usernames to emails like the ones above, i got hacked, and just changed my password in time. dont do it, even if they are "stardoll emloyes"

  11. None if your business what my password and username is, you noisys.

  12. To get peoples pass ask me on stardoll.

    My user: ParisGlamGirl

  13. How can you get peoples stardoll password?

  14. i know
    now this is real the person that does it is my cousin right,
    send ur username and password to and i will activate ur stardoll so tht u will get 1000 stardollars :)


  15. yes because i have one its annamayi password:tyshaa

  16. Someone on stardoll hacked my account.Don't add peacepaige0102 or she'll hack your account.She took 900 stardollars from me!

  17. I now the employee code.
    Send your username and pass to!

    it really works.If youdont trust me then ask callie she is my brother she is a boy....
    and the employee is 7 letters long theere are 2 codes a in real life yhey dont enter in the password changes!

  18. you can get someone's password by eating there p**p lol preferably mine LOL well cya all l8ta

  19. well there is no way of getting peoples password on stardoll :] hope i helped

  20. someone who can have friends and chat go 2 (sydsmiley6) because that was my accoutn but someone took it and her name is Eliane4510 (dont be friends with her) she took my pass and change everything i was so mad and sad i started crying>:( plz help and get my pass back!!!!

  21. i have a spare account not a super star but has lots of stuff!

    user: Miss.Gomezxx


  22. i know peoples passwords cause i'm a stardoll employee so send your username & password to & i will make you a employee cause then you can find out peoples passwords enjoy sending(♥♥)

  23. Dunnoooo!!! :\

  24. i know how you can just start making accounts that are 13 and older and become really good friends with people on stardoll and ask them for their password and if they ask you their password just tell them a  made up one like chanel but that is a real password lol.

    btw go on and go to chic9899 suite thats me ok leave me gifts ok because im helping you answer this question duh and i gave you my cousins password duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 so ya go on my suite and leave me gifts illl you some gifts if you are a superstar and leave me an extraordinary gift ok smile always btw remeber to lol.

  25. you can't. to become a **superstar for free** go on
    sign up and complete the offers until you have ten points. then you can redeem your **free stardoll membership!!!!!!!!** ;0

  26. who password is sweetcandyu

  27. You can't of course if not if your really good friends with some one that works on stardoll mabey that person will tell you some passwords

  28. You can't of course if not if your really good friends with some one that works on stardoll mabey that person will tell you some passwords

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