
How can you get rid of a urine infection and blood in urine without going to docs?

by  |  earlier

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It may not be an urine infection ppl soz - but ive had one before and it does feel the same, so I am only assuming and the blood isnt alot just wee speckles now and again!




  1. blood in urine means you have kidney damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    see your doc soon or youll die


  2. OK, first off - to all the scaremongers trying to say blood in the urine is a sure sign of kidney damage - stop it! Do a bit of research before you scare the cr@p out of someone with falsehoods.

    If you have not been to the doctors, how do you know that you have a urine infection? You could have cystitis, be due a period, etc, etc.

    The simple answer is you need to go and see your doctor, and take a sample of urine with you.

    Drinking LOTS of water and fresh cranberry juice will also help.

    But please go see your doctor.

  3. you don' need it cultured to see what the cause is..............

  4. you most likely need an antibiotic you can try the drug store remedies but if it is severe then you need an antibiotic, if you wait too long you could do permanent damage

  5. go to ur dr's u may have a kidney infection,

    any signs of blood coming out of ur wee means it is 2 do

    with  ur kidneys.

    do not leave it, if ur in severe pain , go 2 a&e straight away,

    good luck.

  6. Having blood in your urine doesn't not always mean you have a kidney infection. I had a urine infection with blood and I just had a bad case of it, my kidneys were fine. But it does mean you have a bad case and you have to go to the doctors. Its not embarrassing or anything, you have a urine test and they give you antibiotics which seriously clears it up in 3 days. But before you can get an appointment drink lots of water to flush out your system and cranberry juice because that's stops the bacteria sticking to your bladder and you can buy medicine called cymalon I think which will help too (Even if it does taste disgusting)! Hope this helps but you really shouldn't leave it.

  7. Urine infection? I am guessing you mean urinary tract infection. If this is not that severe it might heal on its own. Since you have blood in your urine I would see a doctor.

    When I had a urinary tract infection it would burn when I went to the bathroom. Doctor gave me some antibiotics and the infection healed. Good luck with your blood.

  8. You should have it checked properly as it could be nothing more than an infection which drinking water might deal with it. At the other end of the scale it could be a cancer on the Kidney which will need immediate attention. Get to the Doctor NOW.

  9. Blood in the urine does not necessarily mean kidney damage.  A urinary infection also can cause bleeding in the bladder due to irritation.  If the infection is only in the bladder, it may possibly clear up on its own if you have a strong immune system.  It helps a great deal to keep your urine acid by drinking lots of cranberry juice, and also flush yourself out with lots of water.  However, you cannot tell whether your kidneys have become infected, so you do need to get to a doctor for the proper tests and antibiotics.

  10. why would u want to avoid the doctors? its ur health!

  11. I know of one person who ignored blood in their urine, which ended up being caused by bladder cancer, and was eventually fatal (they were 44).  Not saying that's what's causing yours, but it's obviously a serious symptom and I wouldn't take my time getting to the doctor.

  12. If you haven't gone to the doctor, how do you know it's an infection?  And I agree, blood in the urine is VERY serious and requires immediate medical attention.  Otherwise you may find yourself on dialysis 3 days each week for the rest of your life.

  13. You cannot. Simple as that. Go to the doctor.

    My mother got a kidney infection, told no one about it, did not see her doctor, and died suddenly a few days later.

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