
How can you get rid of bed bugs even after an extermonation?

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I already exterminated the house and put bed bug spray on the beds and even got new matresses, and they are still here. I'm posotive they are not ants. I found only a few dead ones. I searched the whole house and I'm worried. What should i do?




  1. ask the exterminator to return for a consultation -the good ones offer a guarantee.

  2. move out.

  3. Have you done the tenants place with an exterminator as well?

    Also, some bedbugs can become resistent to certain chemcials so a new chemcial may be needed and/or, better still, a non-chemical treatment.  You may want to supplement the work that the exterminator is doing with a chemical free treatment like Kleen-Free ( is the online store).  you said you were using a bedbug spray but it may be a similar chemical to what the PCO is using so you are just duplicating their efforts. You will need a lot of Kleen-Free and it only works as a contact killer so it does not replace a PCO but can supplement their work by getting those bugs that the chemicals do not kill.  Your tenants should do the same.  it comes in pre-mixed and concentrated form that you mix at home and you should spray everywhere every couple of days.  

    Bedbugs are hard ot get rid of so you may need the PCO back a couple of times and you also need to be involved in the process too.

    Good luck.

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