
How can you get rid of relativley big hangovers?

by  |  earlier

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I drunk alot last night and was very wasted lol. And it's still hard for me to type i've backspaced about 100 times. and it took me 100 times just to say i backspace 100 times. anyways yea i got that feeling like a got to hangover but i tried to throw up but i just burp lol.. so what now?




  1. It sounds weird, but someone told me that this takes hangovers away--- it sure does. Its a kids drink. Its called Pedialyte. You can get it at Rite-Aid of Long Drugs or a Walmart. And eat alot of food

  2. That sucks! Not much you can do to get rid of them, sleep, eat, drink water, be active, eat some more, eat some greasy foods. Everyone has their own idea. The best thing to do in the future is be pro-active so you can prevent them from occurring. Check out this article by liquor live, should be helpful:

  3. Lots of water, Ibuprofen and eat something. I'm not sure about eating something greasy that always makes me sick. Try eating a sub. Hope you feel better.. Tonights Friday, gotta party some more. lol

  4. Drink lots of water, smoke a bowl or two, then head out and get your self a nice cheeseburger with some fries and a shake. You'll feel as good as new.

  5. drink another beer w/ clamato salt and lime. helps me if i can stand to even look at beer. if not i go for 2 advils and sum food

  6. Take a couple aspirin, drink some water, and get some food in your stomach. If it's an option, go back to bed and take a nap. Only time will cure you, but these other things will help.

  7. Water sleep food, as previously mentioned.  I also like to keep green tea or juices high in antioxidants around.  It'll actually make you feel worse for a short time, but in the end you'll feel better (my favorite is a juice called good morning blend.  I think it's put out by lake valley organic.)

  8. Like everyone else has said, drink tons of water, or gingerale. Eat bread and crackers. Don't eat greasy food. Nap as much as you can and take 3 asprin/tylenol. For future referance, you don't need chaser, before you sleep after a night of drinking, just drink a bottle of water. You get a hangover the next day because alcohol dehydrates you. happy drinking. ^_^

  9. I can't help you with today's hangover, but if you know you are going to drink again in the future.  I would recommend

    chasers.  They are these pills that you take before and during your drinking sessions.  When you wake up the next morning--poof!  No hangover.  Seriously, they work.   You can get them online or at Rite-aid.

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