
How can you get the moisture back in tobacco which has dried up?

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How can you get the moisture back in tobacco which has dried up?




  1. I've heard that a piece of potato will do the trick.  Personally, when I smoked roll ups I used to put some whiskey in dried up tobacco.  Worked for me.

  2. Steam it.

  3. a dampened pumice stone; my husband uses one in his tobacco and it really works.  (hold the stone under the faucet, then shake it off and put in w/tobacco -- the tobacco will absorb the moisture from the stone.)

  4. leave it in a damp area for 24hrs

  5. try keeping it in the fridge ! honestly , half a 50g pouch, half in fridge, the rest in another pouch or tin.seems to last a lot longer [ drum smoker, amongst other things ! ]

  6. an old fella used to tell me to put a slice of raw potato in your tobacco pouch , i tried it and it worked 4 me

  7. potato peel, apple peel, great ideas

    basically anything moist will do

    shame i spent good money in the tabaconists on a 'special anti drying device' ( a small sponge in a perforated case) before i saw this!

    oh! wait! i'm supposed to offer an answer!

    get a little bit of a sponge, soak it in water and put it in you tin/pouch, re moistening it every day or so

  8. The old trick was to put a bit of potato peal in the tin with the tobacco to keep it moist.

  9. (Bit of a drag but worth it) Take a couple of pieces of apple peel off with a potato peeler and put them in the baccy overnight. Keep the rest of the apple for doing the same. it doesn't matter how old the apple's worth it.

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