
How can you get the racism out of an American? by whipping them and rubbing holy water in their wounds maybe?

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How can you get the racism out of an American? by whipping them and rubbing holy water in their wounds maybe?




  1. By getting rid of all the blacks, mexicans and muslims.. I don't mind everyone else...

    Don't you thinks it's a bit stereotypical to classify all American's as racist....

    You can't whip them all nor can you rub holy water on them all... and holy water... well, you can just take a shower... no difference in holy water and tap water...

    I'll stop being racist as soon as god and all it's religion is abolished..

  2. sorry budd. racism will never leave america.

  3. racism in america depresed me.

    its simply people who are uneducated!

    but i have to admit, when i went to europe there was no ghetto style over there that many people associate with African Americans.

    black people over there dressed like everyoen else so there was no racism.

    ghetto styles g*y!

    but racism shoudl be athing of the past

    sorry for getting off topic haha

    but its more down south, i live in pa, and most of the older folks, like 40 or older are a ltitle racist, my grams 87 and shes not racist at all.

    but shes really smart.

    educated people no this though :D

    have a nice day :]

  4. hahaha, yes, the holy water sounds like it's just crazy enough to work!

    I love how some are arguing that all Americans are not racist. I don't remember you saying ALL of us were? And the one person who mentioned black people. Where'd that come from???

    No, I change my vote to whipping!


  5. There will always be racism in the world as long as there are different people. If everyone else is the same as you, then you got nothing to complain about, but that's just stupid.

  6. by;; putting them in a crowd of black people or in da projects;; they''ll learn to live with them hhaha

  7. There will always be some types of racism in America... There will always be some small-minded bigots. As for the majority of people... it's a very slow process. Basically just remind others that they should not judge others solely by race because no one is perfect. Also speak up when you hear someone make a comment that you know is wrong. Also teach the next generations that people should be judged on an individual basis by what makes them a good person and how they treat you; not by any racial characteristics.

  8. Education and exposure.

  9. Impossible. Not all Americans are racist; but the ones that are have been taught that ignorance over many generations. So sadly, it's here to stay. Forever.

  10. No sorry... that's not going to work...

  11. Although, unfortunately, there is racism in America, America surely is NOT the only country with racism.  Look around.

  12. Are you grouping us all together? I am an American. I must admit that there are a lot of racists out there but I am not one. Using holy water after a whipping...ha. That is ridiculous.;...

  13. what the h**l r u talking about shut up how about i come find u whip wounds in ur body then p**s in them would u like that?

  14. Go blow your nose.  There isn't a country on earth where there isn't racism or would be if they allowed people of diverse background to live there.

  15. Um, that's one way to go, but sounds kinda counter-productive.

    I would think exposure to other people and cultures would be better. Let them learn that they are human, just like you. Someone quoted MLK - "one day I will be judged by the strength of my character rather than the color of my skin."

    Amen, brother!

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