
How can you get up very quickly when someone knocks you down?

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Can someone give some techniques of getting up very quickly when someone knocks you down?

Also give me the way how to get up the way where people fully extend their legs up and they kick up. You know the way where shawn michaels and bruce lee and guys like that get up?




  1. Pretend to be dead, then when they turn around return the favour and stab them in teh kidney with a ******* knife. Then watch them lay there and bleed and cry like the babies from the diaper ads. h**l yeah !  ! !

  2. imagine that a naked old lady is about to jump on top of u and rape u

  3. search it up in wikipedia it called a kip up

  4. just practice the jump up move, you'll get it.

    to get up faster, do alot of core excercises like sit ups.

  5. Sometimes it's good to take advantage of the time when you're on the floor. For example, kicking out while on the floor allows a straight line of power from the ground to your foot, so all of the recoil from kicking is absorbed into the ground instead of moving you backwards.

    Just a thought.

  6. listen to the song by Chumbawamba

  7. Practice your falls (side, front and back). Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice until it's second nature.

    Ukime literally saved my life when I was I attacked a few years ago.

    I got bashed in the back of my head (for a few seconds everything I saw was a variant shade of blue) and instead of flopping on the ground, I fell forward and rolled to my feet in one move, held my attackers at bay, alhamdullah, while trying to see and finally, fighting them off.

  8. You have to get up in "base." Forget the Bruce Lee c**p, that is for the movies.

    This is how you do it (on the right side):

    1. Extend left leg with slight bend.

    2. Retract right leg under other leg and put near rear end.

    3. Both hands to your right side.

    4. Push up with your hands, legs move under body.

    5. Extend body upwards.

    6. Hands then are removed from floor.

    This is proper technique, but hard to explain. Look at the opponent while doing and only attempt if you have enough time to get up before he throws a kick or punch. Otherwise, stay defensive on the ground and kick at his knees for distance.

    Watch this video for an example. Ralek Gracie uses one arm in this video, but it is very close. It happens half way through the video.

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