
How can you get your children interested in doing homework?

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How can you get your children interested in doing homework? My son is in the 3rd grade and I have to sit with him while he does it and he takes his time and says he does not want to do it. Now, I understand, I hated homework too when I was a kid, but I want him to get good grades and pass the year. He takes hours to do his homework. Last year at one time, he started at 4:30 and was not done until 11:00 p.m. I made him sit there until it was done. I even took away television and things he likes to do. I even totally grounded him a few times. It is starting all over again. I do not believe in spanking him, just because. Plus it is against the law where I live. If you spank a child (even a light spank) you will have child protective services at your door. Grounding is the only thing I can do. So anyway, I need ways to get him interested and want to learn and do his homework.

He did get all A's last year, despite the homework problems I went through with him.

Thanks ahead of time. No sarcastic comments please. Only serious answers please.




  1. Give him incentives to do it more quickly (but still correctly) without dragging. You'll go for ice cream over the weekend, say.

    Even though I'm pro-spanking, I don't think it would be appropriate here even if it were legal in your state. A punishment like that should be reserved for a direct bad action, not inaction.

    Also, make sure he's not having some problem he hasn't told you about. Can he see 20/20? Is he struggling with a learning disability?

    Gifted children are also frequently bored. Check that out, he may need to be in a more challenging scholastic setting.

  2. reward him.

      tell him if he does his homework, all week long, with no problems and no complaints, you'll give/take him something/somewhere nice.

      Obey. reward. obey. reward.

      It's a system you just have to lay down for kids. I hated doing homework; I still hate it. But once I realized I have to do it in order to get good grades and understand everything I'm taught, I do it.

      But if I could get away with it, I wouldn't be doing it. lol!

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