
How can you get your name off a mortage loan after a break up? Is there a way?

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I dated this guy sense I was 14 and we ended up buying a house together when we were both 19. We broke up recently and I was wondering if there's a way to get my name off the loan. He is still living in the house and I am still paying half the mortage for now. He is suppose to be taking care of selling it, but thats not happening. Is there any other way to go about this? I don't want to ruin my credit if its possible to keep it in good standing. We only purchased the house 7 months ago. Thanks.




  1. The only way to remove your name is for either him to refinance in his name only or to sell the home to someone else.

  2. Try this. I had the same issue about 4 years ago. Except I stayed in the house and she left. I couldnt afford the payment and wanted her name off the mortgage. So this is what my attorney advised me to do. You can ask him to get the house refinanced and you can sign a "quick claim deed" and release your "interest" in the house. This shows legally you no longer want the house. But, if he sells the house later your not entitled to any profit. Or, you can go to your local magistrate court and open a civil case. You can actually ask the judge to make him either sell the house NOW and give him a dead line. And if the house doesnt sell he can be forced to take your name off via a quick claim deed. Just be careful about what you do because you dont want to get screwed out of profit from the house if it sells. Good luck hope this helped.

  3. That depends on whether you just want out, free & clear, or if you want something for your investment, or if you want to stay in the house.  

    One person can file a "quit claim" on the property, and the other person could refinance in their own name.   That is about the only way to remove a name from a mortgage loan.

  4. He would have to refinance the loan.

  5. He has to buy you out.

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