
How can you grow seedless watermelon? do you remove all the seeds? ?

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I was just wondering... Do you grow them without seeds? Do you remove them at the company? I was just wondering.




  1. On the seed packet it says "Seedless". will surely have what you want in colors!  But it's too late in the season to start watermelons;

  2. I don't know anything about the similarity between the mules and the seedless watermelon.  But I did find this link that explains it.

    #2.....  To get fruit, the seedless watermelon (called triploids) must be grown next to the ***regular watermelon (called diploid).*** The seedless watermelon is sterile and unable to pollinate by itself. Therefore, the **regular watermelon assists in the pollination process for the seedless*** watermelon to get fruit. So, assuming you are doing a small garden, dig the holes where you want to plant the watermelons.

    # 3....In the first hole, plant a "regular or diploid" watermelon plant. In the next two holes, plant the*** seedless (or triploid) plant.*** Continue to alternate until all your plants are in the ground. Mark the planting orientation so you can distinguish your seedless watermelon from your regular watermelon once they mature.

    All of the watermelons on this page are seeds for seedless watermelon

    NOTE I guess the similarity betweeb the Horse and donkey is

    "What you don't understand that? Okay, it's like crossing a horse with a donkey to come up with a mule that does not reproduce – that's how they do it – its that simple!" says Michael Marks.

    A note about the mules...Mules cant reproduce on there own and in order to breed a mule it must be done with a female horse and a male donkey.  But the seedless watermelon can be grown from seeds.


  3. In really simple terms, seedless watermelons are "mules" in the plant world (meaning an offspring that cannot reproduce itself). A particular "mother" watermelon plant is pollinated with a particular "father" watermelon, and the resulting seed produced grows into seedless watermelons. The "mother" and "father" plants are carefully cross-bred as often as needed to produce more seeds the grow into seedless watermelons.

    Just to wrap your mind around it - It's very like where Mules come from. Mules are a cross between horses and donkeys - but they are sterile and are unable to breed themselves. Mules can not make baby mules. More mules are gotten by continuing to breed together horses and donkeys to make the sterile mule offspring.

    A similar process.

    You can buy seeds from the particular "parent" plants, that will grow into seedless watermelons.  The seed package will be labeled "Seedless Watermelon"  There are a few different varieties.

  4. I don't think you can considaring you can't plant seeds form a seedless watermelon


  5. granny told ya true.... to get seedless melons, you gotta plant two different kinds.....

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