
How can you grow up?

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i look small and at school people are teaseing me about my size alot and i dont like it.




  1. lol how old are you.. as long as you sleep 8+ hours a night and eat alot during your growth spurt you'll grow to your maximum possible height.. max height can be limited by factors such as genes.. if the males (assuming you are male) in your family are short, it is unlikely you will be tall.. but drink alot of milk and sleep and dont lift heavy weights like i said, and during your growth spurt you'll skyrocket

  2. Ignore them!  People (especially school age kids) are really mean!  You will grow soon enough and probably tower over them at some point.  Keep your head high and tell them to get over themselves.

  3. You are looking at this entirely the wrong way around. Aren't your immature and misinformed friends the ones that have to grow up? In adult society there are "Little People," and not to belittle them, but they are the ones that bring you some of your favorite movies like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (the Oompa Loompas), The Wizard of Oz (the Munchkins), Star Wars (R2D2 and the Ewoks), Time Bandits (the time bandits). Plus they are productive members of society. Any adult that teases them for their size is the problem, as there is absolutely nothing they can do about how tall they are. The teachers at your school would be well advised to educate the students on issues of diversity and anti-discrimination.

    Maybe you can suggest that to one of your favorite teachers. Especially in a class that deals with social issues somehow.

  4. just wait and see what happens, dont worry about this kind of stuff, its how you prepare for the next 60 years that count.  grade/high school means nothing once you are out.  use your attributes, dont dwell on what you think now are deficiencies.  (you could be a jockey, NASCAR driver, gymnast, etc)

  5. Here is the real trick of growing up height and size of muscles doesn't matter it is smarts and maturity. If you have those two believe me you can take anything they have to say and not care. In this case life is like a round of poker you are given the cards you get.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Get tall shoes. I know of many people who wear shoes with shocks beause they add atleast one inch to their height
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