
How can you handle of being neglected in a team?

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I am new to this team. My passing, defense are great and consistent. But the moment they run the offense I am left out. I call for my number "4" "5" so that setter knew me. and he came out and said "I will get confused if you do that". I am belittled the whole night, and then the time he sets me the ball for an outside 4 the ball goes to the 10ft line.. I need major help on how to adjust and the criticism on these guys telling me. help help please




  1. i think your setter needs to learn that people are gonna call if they are ready to be set and it should make his job easier knowing that you are ready! Just try talking to him and asking him how he would like you to tell him you are ready to be set! Well hope i helped!!! Good luck with volleyball!

  2. Well, the most important thing in volleyball is compromise and communication with the team. The setter will want to do what's best for the team so the setter is kind of like the dealer in a game of cards. If you call it, the setter will deal, but dont use a different language or else the dealer will not understand what you're talking about. The same rules apply to volleyball. Even though you're on the same team, the setter may not remember your number because there are so many other numbers to memorize. Calling out your number will definately confuse your setter. The BEST way to handle this situtaion is by discussing with the whole entire team to decide special names for each position on the court so that the setter will remember the positions easier when called out. Instead of calling out numbers, call code names for your position like: "red" or "pipe" or "middle" ect. On my volleyball team, we have a name for every position so the setter knows exactly where to put the ball. Like for exmaple, i play Libero (middle back) so when i want a hit, i call out loud and clear, "PIPE!" and the setter sets it there for me. When the middle front player on my team wants a hit, she calls out "YO!" and the setter sets it to the middle for her. Calling out numbers is too hard becuase numbers change around due to rotations on the court and that's too much to locate for only 1 setter. By calling code names, the names stay the same for the position even when you rotate to a new position so it makes everyone's lives easier (especially the setter). Also, when you use code names, the other team will not know what position the hits are coming from so they will be less prepared for the hit.

    good luck! :D

  3. hmm, that's a tough sitution.

    you could talk to your captain or your coach, that's what my team would do.

    other then that, i don't think there is much you could do.

    i have a suggestion though, try calling outside, middle, or weak instead.

  4. Don't use numbers right away,your team is use to their own names of areas on court and players.Learn the local lingo,talk to the setter and ask him. Sounds like the tight knit group doesnt want newcomers.You are going to have to convince them you have some value.You'll get a set,you just have to wait for it,sometimes it seems like an eternity. You need to watch the line when the set and spiking drill line begins,go to the back of the line and just watch...when its your turn just say you want the same thing that last guy got.If you want to spike,you have to want it bad,ask another good spiker to give you some tips where you are weak at.Its good to get a high set with a new setter and wait for it,timing is everything,keep the ball in front of you,in other words, dont come up under it,who cares if the first 2 or 3 go into the net,if you show you got power and your rythem and style is right,and you can pick out weaknesses in a defense while attacking,you can show them that you got what it takes.Then make sure you and your setter are on the same sheet of music.Sometimes the setter will see weeknesses that others cant because the whole team is concentrating on defense of the first volley over the net.The setter just has to worry about the first pass on his side,and so can see weeknesses in the other teams defense,go with the setters wishes.You'll learn allot if you just take some time and meld into the team when not playing,ask what you dont know,and show them you want to learn their system.

  5. I CAN see how that might be confusing. Perhaps it would make more sense to yell your name, middle or left (side). If the problems persist, speak directly to your coach.

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