
How can you have a well done steak without destroying the flavor?

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I've heard that you can only taste the flavor of a steak if its at least med well; but i'm not too comfortable eating bloody meat. how can you have a well done steak without destroying the flavor?




  1. That's the only way you can get flavor if it's at least medium well.  I've always said a steak isn't done unless you can taste a little charcoal around the edges.  Who needs trichinosis?

  2. Marinate it for 24 hours, it will be great.  Use, Garlic with Italian dressing, or for an Oriental flavor, use 5 spice powder (just a tiny bit) with a Teriyaki brand Marinade.  Garlic with anything is great with meats and poultry.  Just don't burn it, your steak will be like rubber, cut it when you think its nearly done. take it off before it is, it does keep on cooking once of the grill for a bit.  I buy this brand called comes in many flavors, its good stuff.  Have fun, enjoy, be creative.  Go with your own likes and experiment.  

  3. Why eat beef if you want it to be charcoal? Okay so the most logical way to keep the flavor and let's not forget the moistness is by seasoning and or marinating the steak first. Then sear each side of the steak till each side is nice and caramelized. Next place steak in a 350- 400 degree oven in a pan covered half way up with liquid. Beef broth or stock would be best but you can also use water. Depending on thickness of steak it could be done as soon as 8- 10 minutes. Enjoy! maybe one day you will enjoy the awesomeness of a Medium Rare Steak. ;)

  4. the flavor is still there even when it is well done,however,the best tasting steaks are red colored steaks inside.

  5. season the raw meat well (black pepper, garlic and onion powder, maybe a little salt and some kind of lard..butter or oleo)  braise the steak in a frying pan on top the stove first to trap in flavor (cook at a high heat quickly on all outer surfaces so the outside is a nice brown but not burnt..charred areas will affect flavor, use a cast iron pan if you have it because it cooks more evenly and cast iron can be used on top and inside the stove) then cook it thoroughly in the oven or in the broiler. do not pierce the meat...use tongs to flip it or move it(piercing with a fork or knife releases the juices while cooking and makes the steak less flavorful and dry). when it is cooked place steak on a plate and cover with foil and let it "rest" for a few minutes to let it finish cooking.  be generous with the butter/oleo while cooking...if it starts to look too dry then add some more...lots of calories but you asked for flavor not heathy.  ps: med-well is really the tastiest way to go.

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