
How can you have dark hair and snow white skin?

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for example i thought hair or skin / colour of the eyes where due to how much melanin is in ur skin [ i know its also genetics] but surely it makes sense to have dark hair and darker skin not dark hair and pail skin, how have you got threse genetics of dark hair and white skin skin? is it possible one of ur anncestors was black with dark hair and then you had another ansestor with blonde pail skin and they mixed together, can you explain this??




  1. Yes

  2. baby powder and hair die  

  3. u dye ur hair duh!!!!!!!!!!

    and lighter foundation duhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. well some people dye their hair.

    but it can be gentetic.

  5. I am incredibly pale and always have been, my hair is naturally dark  brown, and i have blue eyes.

    It's just genetics.  My mom is pale, my dad has dark hair, and somewhere else down the line I got the blue eyes.

  6. It is a simple matter of dominant genes. Let's say black hair is dominant but pale skin is recessive. Dark hair always appears but pale skin only appears when both parents have the pale skin gene

  7. Ask Anderson Cooper

  8. I am very fair with dark hair...I know it doesn't seem like it should work that way but it has to do with dominant genes.  My father has dark hair and fair skin and my mother has darker skin and red hair.  So I take after him.  His gene is very dominant as none of our family takes after her.

    By the way, my mother used to think that it was very striking for a girl to have very fair skin and very dark hair.  Kind of like Scarlet O'Hara.  And yes, she's from the deep south... :-)

  9. yes of course u can have naturally black hair and fair skin

    geez u ever of heard genetic variation? anythings possible

    but it wouldn't come from a black parent and white parent becoz black is dominant, the baby would most likely turn out predominately dark-skinned and dark-haired

    a lot of Southern Europeans or Mediterranean people have dark hair and eyes and fair to tanned skin

  10. Well I am full Mexican and I am pale with dark hair. I don't know how but I am.

  11. You can ask the same of red hair.  And eye colour too.

    There are alleles that decide these hereditary factors.

  12. Could be anything, genetics is like the lotto you just never know. My brother's GF just had twins, one is blond the other is dark. Since your genes are carried back generations its hard to say exactly. But yes it is possible.

    BTW, I think its beautiful to be pale skinned with dark hair. I happen to be this way also :D too bad I didn't get the colored eyes.

  13. Yes. Lets see my ancestors are  Native American,  Italian , Irish and English and French. I look like snow white but with green/hazel eyes. My  mom has fuzzy red hair/pale bluish skin and my dad has dark brown hair/ eyes .  I'm pale but with yellow undertones and not blue like my mom. I do have the same facial features of my dads side.

      I saw a pictures of my relative over 100 yrs ago and same nose, eye shape/eye is same place, and forehead but very very tan.  Family features are pretty dominate even my distant cousins have it.

  14. i come from Northern Ireland, and all my family have very dark hair and very pale skin,you are right it is connected to melanin but genetics's has a lot to do with it. and mixed races mixes up everything that's why you get blacks with blue eyes for example.whites with chinese eyes etc etc, or to put it simply try mixing blue and yellow paint see what happens

  15. Hair dye and baby powder

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