
How can you have experience in Washington (ie have been there for a long time, etc) and still have the kind of?

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perspective to change it? It seems to me these politicians are just rephrasing the same arguments positively or negatively as suits them. It's either "I'm a fresh new face who wants to change Washington but I have no experience" or "I'm an old hand in Washington with tons of experience, but I'm too used to it to know how to change it." And do you think they really want to change it, or are just trying to get in there?




  1. Once in a great while someone comes along that is imbued with Integrity that he/she has kept intact throughout their political life.

    They are few and far between; but they do exist.

    The hard part is getting them through all the hype and drama to the point where they can be truly useful without getting assassinated.

    This is the great fear for Obama.

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