
How can you have more people read your blog? Does it depend on which blogging site you use?

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How can you have more people read your blog? Does it depend on which blogging site you use?




  1. Good morning

    That would depend on which site you are on

    and however if you have settings on your site

    how you adjust them will depend on how private or public

    you are want it.  

    You want more people to read your blog you can set your settings on public

    first blog settings for messages who can send messages

    you want public. Press continue then nextly you want more people to read your blogs so go to communication settings

    this one will ask

    who do you want to read your blogs

    your choices are private, friends or public

    same for who do you want to comment on them

    the choices are the same

    click on the choice you want

    press save

    (a message will say you are allowing public to read your blogs

    and public to comment )

    The one above is an example.  Your settings of these are the permission of who can read them who can comment.


    (this site should help you out, a lot)

    Post a link to your blog on here

    Check out my blog and comment if you can on what you like and dislike.

    Ir dose not depend on what blogging site you use.

  3. I don't think it depends on the site. I think it depends on your effort.

    I'm going to frame my answer based on experience with the blog available through Yahoo! 360. Yahoo! 360 is not only blog, it's also a social networking service (similar to MySpace and Facebook).

    1. Connect with other users.

    - In 360, you can find people with similar interests via the Search page. You can also find people via Y/A profiles. Yahoo! Groups also has a link for adding people to 360 spaces.

    - Finding "active" users is key to a great Y!360 experience. Try to connect with people who have a decent amount of content about themselves on their Y!360 (which means you should have the same on yours), people who comment on their friends pages, people who update their blogs often.

    - Be active yourself. Visit other blogs and develop online relationshisps with others.

    2. Promote your space or blog

    - Wherever you can, you should put a link to your blog. Your profiles, your signature in personal e-mails, and etc. Send a link to it to all your contacts (friends and family) and encourage them to pass it on.

    3. Make the blog easy to find

    - If possible, make the URL address easy to find and remember. In Y!360, you can create a simple URL for that purpose.

    - Some services have RSS-capabilities. You can make your blog have a RSS button, enabling people to add it to their browser or newsreader's RSS list. RSS stands for real simple syndication, which allows users to see your blog in an aggregated form and not actually have to visit it. See more information here: and . RSS in Y!360 only works with "Public" blogs.

    4. Last but certainly not least: Consistently post interesting content

    - Mainly, the blog should be is authentic. Your thoughts, your creative background, your interests - there's only one "you," so be expressive! I know, that's corny, but it's true.

    - Keep it updated.

    - Theme... is your blog a commentary on the latest news? Is it a diatribe about activities in your daily life? Is it only about your pet's quirks? A theme isn't necessary, but a purpose helps. Now, if you just want to write anything that comes to mind, well, try to make it sound like an interesting read.

    - A sense of fun - humor always helps.

    See the 360 team post on "How to blog":

    See the 360 team post on "What makes a 360 page interesting?":

    Press release that explains "What is yahoo 360?":

    There are many free blogging services beside Yahoo!360 (which has its share of glitches). You can also check out Wordpress ( ), Blogger ( ), and Livejournal ( ).

  4. I think it depends on what you are blogging. Is it interesting ? Is it fun ?  Invite people to view your blog,  get comments as to what you might need to do.  I write about things that happens or share poetry.  I only use yahoo 360 to blog. Too hard to keep up with more. That way i have more precise thoughts and things to share. Happy Blogging.

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