
How can you heal a sunburn besides using aloe vera?

by Guest56861  |  earlier

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I went to the lake all day yesterday and my shoulders are so red!! I don't have any aloe vera plants or gel, so I was wondering if there is some other home remedy that will work. I have heard of using vinegar but am not sure. Hopefully someone knows of something that can work quick, today I have a big family reunion BBQ going on and my sunburn really hurts. Thanks a lot!!!




  1. if you have some vitamin E capsules (gel) try cutting them open, or poking them with a needle, and spread it on the sunburn. it feels really gross, but my dad swears by it!

  2. Palmer's sells a coco butter mixture containing vitamin E oil that works great.

  3. hemp seed extract works wonders for people who cant use aloe, try that.

  4. I know that you've probably heard the aloe vera thing A LOT...believe me...but it really does help if you keep reapplying it. If you store it in the fridge, it can give you more of a relief when you first put it on.

    Mix a half-water, half-vinegar solution and apply it to the burn with a spray bottle or soaked cloth. This will sting a little bit at first, but it definitely pulls the burning sensation out of your sunburn.

    Ice packs (in small amounts of time) and cold cloths or compresses will also help to minimize the length of time that you have redness and should help with the swelling.

    Take lukewarm (room temperature) BATHS. Taking showers with too high of a water pressure could increase your pain. Taking a too-cold bath won't help, and will make you freezing. And a too-hot bath runs the risk of burning you even more, or irritating the burn that you already have.

    Make sure that you drink PLENTY of water, in order to keep your body hydrated so you don't develop a fever. If you do develop a fever, take an acetaminophen or an ibuprofen to help get rid of the fever and to minimize inflammation and swelling.

    If your sunburn is really bad and seems to be very painful, you may want to go see your doctor and get a prescriptive treatment.

  5. Oooh sunburn is the WORST thing that you can have happen (imo). And as for healing it well aloe does work the best but if you absolutly cannot obtain any then I would recommend using some type of lotion with vitamin E and if you don't have any of that then you could always try an oatmeal bath (a milk bath may help as well) i did one year and it seemed to help a bit. But anyhow i hope you start feeling better soon sunburns are the worst.  

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