
How can you help someone out who feels worthless?

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My best friend in the whole world, is extremely depressed. He thinks he is completely worthless. He refuses to go talk to anyone and can't even open up to me. he's felt like this for a long time but it's only recently that it came on him so strongly. Is there anything I can do to help him along the path to at least starting to feel better? I've encouraged him to talk to me and I've made it extremely clear that he means everything to me. But is there anything else I can do to just help him? Because, he's not worthless... he's great. He just can't find that inside of himself.




  1. Okay.....dont do anything like force him to see a therapist lol....that will make it worse.....what u can force him to do is make him go with u to the mall or somewhere fun and try to make him open up.....just be patient....If he refuses to go then say "If you dont go,then I swear we r not friends anymore becuz i cant take care of u like this."....i know it sounds mean....but its the only way to get him moving...:)

  2. tell him you love him my best friend in the whole world hates me right now both my parents are dead from cancer and the rest of the family does not view me as family because i was adopted i pretty much have no one my best friend was the one person who kept me going now i feel like i am at the end of my rope let your best friend know you love him and your going to be there for him unconditionally just do what you can i know if i had a best friend who is worried about me the way your worried about your friend i would be ok just because my best friend loves me  

  3. tell him that everyone has a purpose and we we're all created 4 a reason and a purpose. tell him that he feels worthless now but 1 day he will do great things.

  4. EVERYONE has felt worthless in there life once in awhile...i don't care what age you are...get several of his/her friends together and make your friend feel wanted and make your friend feel that mistakes in life happen to EVERYONE...its no big deal...get you and your friends to support your friend..and i don't mean just for a few days...

  5. I'm assuming that no one else knows about this and that the people he's refusing to talk to are not therapists.

    If he seems super depressed, starts acting extremely happy, gives his belongings away, talks/writes/draws/whatever about death, among other things, ask him if he's suicidal. (I would suggest you look up other signs of suicide, too). Asking him will not make him suicidal, don't worry. If he is, you need to get help RIGHT AWAY. Even if he tells you not to tell anyone, do it. Better to have an angry friend than a dead one.

    Either way, you should tell a trusted adult what's going on. He may need more intervention than just you.

    You're doing a great thing right now. You're there for him. Point out to him that his feeling worthless is the depression talking, not him, and that you're always willing to talk when he wants to. Don't pry.

  6. well what i would try is to remember what he wanted to be when he grew up get him starting on that or just like give him a task to do it mite make him feel better tell him how much you care tell him you need him in your life and stuff it mite help

  7. You can make a list of his accomplishments, reasons he is here on earth and of course the ones that rely on him.  Maybe if he sees it on paper it is possible that he will realize that he is not worthless and that there are a lot of people that rely on him and think he is great.  sometimes even a party can help - get all the people that love him together and do an "intervention" of love.  Keep an eye on him thought to make sure he isn't so depressed that he might do something stupid.

  8. It may just be he's feeling down for a bit. Try talking to him, checking up (not too often) to make sure he's okay. Tell him you'll be there cause he needs a good friend/girlfriend(or boyfriend if ur g*y)  

  9. I know what it feels like to be worthless. And you are doing everything you should be. The worst thing for him is to be alone. It just reaffirms his thoughts. Even though he may not enjoy being around people, being alone is much worse. It sounds like you are being extremely supportive of him and you need to keep that up. Loneliness is this world's worst kind of pain. If he is consumed by his own loneliness there will be no coming back. Just spend time with him. Even if you don't talk. Having someone around will make it so much better for him.

  10. push him and encourage him to all that he can and is able to do. you know just be persistant but try not to put pressure on him

  11. Get him to talk to you, get him involved in aspects of your life that can bring him to understanding that he is worth more then he's giving himself credit for.

    If you can get HIM to realize it himself with out having to be told it.

    I give you so much credit for taking the time that it will take to get him to start to feel better about himself. It would help for you to call a hot line and talk to someone about some advice about where and how to start the process.

    Just make sure that you keep taking care of you as well as your friend. Your no help to him if you get sick.

  12. point out the good things in him.. is he funny? smart? athletic? what is he good at? is he kind? thoughtful? generous? make him feel like you feel. you're a person. make him feel loved. tell him that you love him (in a friendly way, if that's not too weird.) or just go out and have fun with him. show him that he has a purpose in life.. or at least your life for now. he's your friend. show him that life is worth living.

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