
How can you help your child with the college application process?

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My daughter will be going through the college application process this Fall.

She is taking the ACT in September and the SAT in October. Her GPA is about 3.0.

She is still not sure what she wants to major in.

I have suggested a few majors. I have also asked her to shadow an individual in the professions that she is interested in such as working with a Dentist or Engineer to see what they do all day.

What else can I do to help her through the college application process?




  1. My suggestion is that she go through community college for 2 years to boost her GPA.. You should sit down with her and her counselor to figure out what she wants to do.. It is not good for a child to enter college with no major.. They have to set their goals on something or they will find themselves still undecided in their senior year and they will have nothing to show except a large financial aid payment.

    Be there for her and help her fill out all the necessary paper work.. My daughter has a 3.75 GPA and she is opting to take the test to exit high school ..She has to go to community college for 2 years before she can go to a University because her school doesn't offer certain courses that are mandatory...

    Best wishes

  2. Buy her a 1978 model Pinto with faux leather seats for school. All the cool kids in college drive Ford Pinto's

  3. Have her shadow someone that she or you knows who's in college. What you see on the tour and what is actually in the classes is completely different. Check out what courses are actually part of her major too. You might be surprised at some of the courses that get added into certain degrees.

    She should also look into getting her volunteer hours recorded on her transcript. Talk to someone in data processing in her school

  4. There is not much you can do but you can still help her. You can help her research all the careers she might be interested in. After she finds these careers the next step is finding someone with the same career such as a family member or friend and ask them questions about their job, what they like and what they don't like, figure out if the salary for the job is what she wants to make later in life, and then possibly go with that person to work one day to really see what it takes to be in that career. Also if your daughter still isn't sure about what career she wants, I recommend she completes an online career survey that will help her figure out what she's most interested in mental wise. I my self is starting college in 2 weeks and for my application process I had no idea what major to take so I talked to some career counselors at the college and they gave me choices of majors I might be interested in and also gave me the online career survey to take. After that I still wasn't sure what I wanted to take so I decided to take a major called "Individual Studies" or Liberal arts but under this major there are specialty classes available so I can learn about different careers. There is a course called Career management and they let you experience different types of careers as I am going to study Business and Criminal justice. After taking a year of this major I will then know what career I want and I will be ready to transfer out to another 4 year college and exceed in that specific major.

  5. Our high school has an internship class.  The kids spend class time in their field.  My daughter is interested in nursing and spent time in the OB dept of our hospital.  

    I don't think I would stress to much about a major.  I have one daughter that was undecided and went to a community college and did her gen eds while she figured it out.

    Alot of colleges and universities have exploratory classes for those kids that don't know what they want to do.

  6. Hey,

    Ok, so from experience, I am going to tell you what you can do. I would start by encouraging my child to take care of her grades. I think SATs and ACTs only matter if you can get a good GPA. You need to be sure tho by october what her major should be. I would say, try to talk to the counselor and see what he says about her future goals and appropriate major. I think also pick the simplest 1. Ex. medicine-> pre med or biology engineering-> math or physics, you get the pic. yea, once she has her major try and maybe research for her top colleges that might interest her make a excel sheet about it. when you are done give it to her for reviewing. I would also say, on excell sheet put info such as... aplication start/ finish, fees, admin requirements. Ok, so now you prob have a good idea. Now, if you have more specific ?s email me at

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