
How can you hide the smoke from a campfire?

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Say, if you're being followed. :D




  1. You can't hide the smoke and let the fire burn. Your best bet is to make the smoke less visible. Avoid burning wet, green or oily things. When putting the fire out, don't use water because that will make tons of steam. Try smothering the fire with dirt to extinguish it.

  2. put it out!?

  3. build five more fires, to decoy your fire.

    make sure your other fires are spaced out quite far though.

  4. LOL don't have one.  No fire no smoke. Wear layers of clothes instead.

  5. well sorry but there is no way in hidding the smoke if your being followed unless you make a small fire becaause sometimes when i make a small fire there is less smoke. but anywayz there is no way sorry but hope this helps!

  6. I really dont think it will matter. Most campfire smoke is not visible unless your in the camp itself. I would be worried about the smell and wind direction.

    Oh and dont put the fire out with water! you'll have more smoke then from the original flames.

  7. i'm right behind you....

    i'll get you someday.

  8. if you use green or damp wood, it'll smoke, make sure the wood is

    completely dry, like drift wood, or wood well seasoned,(wood cut in the summer & left to dry until winter) avoid burning leaves.  

  9. add rocks ontop of the flames or cover it with good quality levi

  10. There really isnt anyway to hide the smoke from a campire. The only things that might make it less noticable are a good wind, lots of trees to help disperse it, or and underground fire. But my suggestions to make a fire with as little smoke as possible would be to use very dry wood, no leaves, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING GREEN. If you use anything with moisture in it this is going to be released from what your burning and create smoke (or steam). Good Luck!

  11. If you use green freshly cut sticks from live trees the fire will smoke a lot. But if you use old dried out wood it will not smoke much at all.

  12. you can't, unless u want to inhale carbon monoxide by making a fire in a closed space

  13. Smoke can be reduced in three ways, by burning only bone dry materials, by building a very small fire, and by building it under bushy trees that will mask and dissipate the rising smoke, or if it's windy the smoke will blow sideways obscuring your location, but only with a small cook/warming fire with pencil sized sticks, not a large fire.

  14. 2 ways: 1 put it out. 2 use only DRY wood.

  15. Propane stove, Sterno, or other artificial fire for cooking. No fire for warmth. Scent will give you away for miles.

  16. How about just put out the fire?

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