
How can you improve to get into Volleyball in High School?

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Ok, I am going to be a freshmen in High school and I want to tryout for volleyball. I know how to serve over hand but I'm not too terribly good at it. Do you think they will let me in because of that? I'm going to a school where they are high on sports and competitive and in 8th grade I was in a Volleyball club but it wasn't like a real volleyball team? what are my chances on getting into volleyball? Also, i am wayy nervous about try-out what if everyone else if better then I am and I embarrass myself? because I am the "new kid" i just moved her... so i know no one...




  1. practice, practice, practice. the only way to get better is to practice and play the game. serve the ball against a wall to help you w/ your serving. most importantly go to every practice and do everydrill @ 100%. that is the only way to improve your skills. no fancy shoes or video is going to help if you don't do the drills to improve your skills.

  2. if u can show that you're committed to playing, and that you are willing to learn and work hard at your game, chances are in your favor that you'll make the team. I'm going into my Sophomore year and i played JV last season. It also helps if u go to some kind of volleyball camp over the summer, even if its only for a week, to show your tryout coaches that u took that extra step of working on your game and skills over the summer (it also looks cool to b able to say you have experience playing!) Most likely, not many people trying out for their freshman year are going to have prior experience in playing volleyball, its not one of those games u really pick up on the streets or something, like basketball. Most of your fellow classmates will tryout bc the game looks easy and fun (too bad its a lot of hard work lolol). If u dont kno anyone, tryouts r a great place to meet ppl, even if u dont make the team.

    hope i helped! =]

    good luckkk

  3. at least you know what volleyball is, right? lol. the number one best thing you can do to get better at going to  a camp, by going to a volleyball gamp for 4-7 day can help ALOT  they teach you alll kinds of things, like how to stay possitive, and how to work harder and push ur self, they also spend a certain amount of time on 1 thing for like 45 minutes you may work in stations and be with your age group, like setting, then switch to passing, then hitting. I went to a camp in 5th grade being a aunderhand server LEAVING  as a overhand server. I wen to camp the next year and learned a top spin tooo... i also became a better passer hitter and setter...  ever since i go every year.. that just shows how fun volleyball camp can be and how fun volleyball can be. now I am sure you will make the team because when i was going in to highschool there were Many girls that had just started that year and very few that have played for a while some girls even quit because they wanted to focus on there work...(which was a bad desision) lol volleyball is so much fun and i am sure you will make the team... just have fun with it don't even worry if you make a fool of your self because everyone else will be the same way!

    have fun!

    good luck!

    ~Ashley #7

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