
How can you improve you cutting skills with kitchen knives?

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how can you cut evenly and fast




  1. keep your fingers tucked in and use the flat side of your fingers (between the knuckles) as a guide. Keep your thumb tucked in behind your index finger...

  2. Practice, practice, practice and always count your fingers when you are done.

    You see these chefs on TV who make it look so easy. They slice dice and chop stuff up and make it look so easy. Sometimes they even do it while explaining other things and not even really paying attention to what they are doing. These guys have years and years of experience doing this it has become second nature to them they hardly even have to think about what they are doing any more.

  3. Google it.  I know it will bring up tons of sites.  Also, a good modern cookbook should have a section describing various preparation techniques.  Try looking at some in your local library or bookstore.

  4. It's important to have a set of knives that fit your hands comfortably. They should be well-balanced and kept very sharp. Also, the right type of knife must be used for each task. The cutting surface is also very important. Some surfaces can be very slippery and therefore more dangerous to cut on.

    Don't worry about speed at first. Learn to use a knife by pulling or pushing it through the food that you want to slice. Cutting accurately is much more more important than cutting quickly. As you work with different foods and textures, your speed will increase with practice.

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